Category: Foreign Affairs

Regrettably, New Zealand could be about to enter a phase of radical economic reform, justified by the Prime Minister’s desire to penalise our country through harsh new emission reduction targets, while the world's largest emitters carry on as usual with no imperatives to structurally change their economies.

There are literally tens of thousands of professional climate activists working on a full-time basis and drawing wages funded by these “philanthropists”. They make up the bulk of the non-delegates at the Glasgow convention. What hope does common sense or moderation have in the face of such an army of propagandists?

The Prime Minister claimed, “Agencies used every tool available to protect innocent people from this individual. Every legal avenue was tried”. But neither mental health support, Court-ordered psychological assessments, nor rehabilitation appear to have taken place.

Prime Minister Ardern has no mandate to assume the Crown is in an equal partnership with Maori that gives tribes a 50 percent interest in our resources and the decision-making powers.

The 1981 Springbok Tour was to have a major impact on my life. At first it seemed the tour handed me a golden chalice. But, as time passed by, I found that chalice to be filled with poison. From famous to infamous. From revered to reviled. The vicissitudes of life.

Are we now at a point where our international alliances are turning East instead of West? If that’s not the intention, it may well be the outcome. And what do we make of the Minister’s comment that “indigenous values and the Treaty of Waitangi would be woven into foreign policy decision making”?

Five Eyes is a key pillar to the security of the liberal order that countries such as Australia and New Zealand fought to establish during World War I and World War II. As the smaller of the Five Eyes members, New Zealand was always the natural target for China’s coercive efforts to divide and degrade the Five Eyes partnership.

In March 2020, when the University first proposed this policy, I couldn’t find anyone willing to challenge it in public. Not because they all had other things to think about but because they feared the consequences.

This misguide belief that the Treaty did create a partnership of governance, has been weaponised. It is no longer just a tool of convenience for self-proclaimed “influencers” but a dangerous weapon in the hands of “wannabe” politicians who seek to chart our future.

In this paper, I propose a new model. It states that people from hunting and gathering societies have had a harder time adjusting to industrial society, than people from societies with a long history of urbanism...