Local Government Reform  
- join our campaign to reform local government

Building, property and consents.

There is a widespread concern that local government is running out of control. The NZCPR is promoting local government reform through a campaign for change: to remove the power of general competence from councils, to strengthen private property rights, and to reduce the cost burden on ratepayers. In addition we are committed to colourblind councils and will be pushing for the removal of all race-based representation, processes and procedures.

If you share our concern, please register your support now - and urge your friends to sign up too - so we can keep you well informed of progress.


I support the reform of local government.

(Please note: all email details will be kept strictly confidential - tick the box if you prefer only your initials to be displayed)
Your first name Your surname
City/town where you live
Your email address

To view signatures , please click here>>>  

To donate to this campaign, please click here>>


Muriel Newman, Local Government Reform: have your say - here>>>

Sandra Goudie, Communities Under Siege - here>>>

Petition to oppose the establishment of Maori Wards in the Waikato Regional Council

       - download
here>>> ... please note that only local WRC ratepayers can sign

Muriel Newman, The need for local government reform - here>>>

Owen McShane, Let's take our councils back - here>>>

Frank Newman, Regulatory controls for local councils - here>>>

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