zz Donation Form






Dear Supporter

Thank you so much for contributing to the New Zealand Centre for Political Research. Your support enables us to speak out on your behalf. Our in-depth analysis and commentary informs opinion leaders, and together we help to shape the future direction of New Zealand.

Please complete the form below, indicating either a one-off or a recurring donation to help sustain our work throughout the year. In return, we will send you our electronic publications – Constitutional Concerns: equality not biculturalism, the new compilation of essays from our Independent Constitutional Review Panel, Sir Apirana Ngata’s The Treaty of Waitangi, and Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose – in appreciation for your support.

Thanks again for your wonderful generosity.

Warmest regards,




Dr Muriel Newman
New Zealand Centre for Political Research
PO Box 984, Whangarei
Ph: 09 434 3836, 021 800 111

Yes, I wish to support the NZCPR



Email (essential):…………………………………………………………………………………..………………

*One-off Donation

□ $10,000  □ $5,000  □ $1,000  □ $500  □ $250  □ $100  □ $50  Other…………….

*Recurring Donation

Amount:        □ $100  □ $50  □ $25  □ $20  □ $10  Other………..

Frequency:    monthly/fortnightly/weekly (please circle)

Payment Options

Credit Card: Type – Visa/Mastercard/Amex (please circle)

Card Number:……………………………………………. Expiry:…………. Signature:………………………..

Cheque: Enclosed (payable to “NZCPR”)

Please post to: NZCPR, PO BOX 984, WHANGAREI