Founder / Director

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Dr Muriel Newman

Treaty Book Project


This is the Treaty Book Project DONATION PAGE 


As a public good project, the NZCPR has published and distributed to New Zealand households free copies of the English translation of Sir Apirana Ngata’s 1922 “The Treaty of Waitangi: an explanation”.



In 1922, in response to ongoing questions about the meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi, the trained lawyer and Member of Parliament Sir Apirana Ngata wrote an explanation of the Maori version of the Treaty in the Maori language.

In 1963, with questions still remaining, Sir Apirana’s book was translated into English and distributed free of charge to Maori households as an insert in a government magazine.

Inspired by that project, and with the debate over the Treaty still continuing, we have distributed Sir Apirana’s explanation of the Treaty’s original meaning to Kiwi households.

And who better to bring some clarity into the Treaty debate than one of New Zealand’s most respected Maori leaders – the man who appears on our fifty-dollar bank note!



The project was in two parts.

The first was printing Sir Apirana’s brilliant explanation of the Treaty in a format that allowed for mass distribution to 1.1 million households – namely as a quality insert in the country’s newspaper network.

And the second part involved printing the explanation as an A5 booklet to send out to those who want it on a donation basis to help fund the project – all donations of over $20 (to cover costs) qualify for ten complimentary copies of the booklet. 

Fundraising to cover the costs of this project are still continuing, so if you know anyone who might be interested in helping, please direct them to this fundraising page:

To contribute to this ambitious project, please fill in the donation form below – then head over to the order page HERE to lodge your request.

If you would prefer to donate by phone, using your credit card, we are happy to help – please call us on: (09) 434 3836 .

And if you would prefer to donate directly, here are the details – Internet Banking: please credit ASB Bank NZCPR Treaty Book Project account: 12-3099-0833814-51 – but please include your first name so we can identify you correctly. 

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Kindest regards,




Dr Muriel Newman
New Zealand Centre for Political Research
PS Once you have donated please head over to our order page to lodge your request for the complimentary A5 booklets HERE.
PPS If you have any problems, please phone us on 09 434 3836 or email me at 
PPPS Please don’t forget, the way we keep in touch is through our free NZCPR Newsletter – please click HERE if you would like to register.


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Please indicate the value of your donation:

  • $10,000
  • $5,000
  • $1,000
  • $500
  • $250
  • $100
  • $50
  • Other: $