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Dr Muriel Newman

Milton Friedman



This special resource is dedicated to the free market principles espoused by the legendary Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman. It features the original 1980 televised series of “Free to Choose”. It is a brilliant production.

However, if you are just checking our this resource and only have a few moments to spare right now, please take the time to watch the following short interview with Milton Friedman and be inspired!

Here is an introductory discussion on socialism versus capitalism in which Milton Friedman explains that free enterprise is the best economic system ever developed by mankind:

Milton Friedman: Socialism vs Capitalism

Economist Milton Friedman taught Donahue a lesson when Phil attempted to equate greed with capitalism. Friedman regards free enterprise as the best economic system ever developed by civilization and cites history as the proof of his contention.


Also, the case for smaller government – Milton Friedman on Limited Government:



Here is the original inspirational 1980 series of “Free to Choose”. Happy viewing!

Original 1980 Series “FREE TO CHOOSE”:

Volume 1: Power of the Market


Volume 2: The Tyranny of Control


Volume 3: Anatomy of a Crisis


Volume 4: From Cradle to Grave


Volume 5: Created Equal


Volume 6: What’s Wrong With Our Schools?


Volume 7: Who Protects the Consumer?


Volume 8: Who Protects the Worker?


Volume 9: How to Cure Inflation


Volume 10: How to Stay Free