Founder / Director

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Dr Muriel Newman

NZCPR mailing list registration confirmation


Dear Reader,

Welcome to the  NZCPR Newsletter mailing list!

Our newsletters are emailed direct to your inbox. The feature articles are also posted on our New Zealand Centre for Political Research website and can be seen by visiting Please remember the website tip – to increase the size of the font click CONTROL and the + sign (control 0 returns the size to normal).

Because the newsletters contain a number of images and links, there is a chance that they may be classified by your email system as “junk mail” or “spam”. If your newsletter doesn’t turn up in your inbox, you may want to make sure it hasn’t gone into your spam or junk mail folder. If it has, right click on the message to indicate that it is “not junk”.

In extreme cases, the newsletter may be blocked by your Internet Service Provider and you will need to talk to them.

If you continue to have trouble, please email us on and we will help you sort it out.

And please note that if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, you can remove yourself by clicking the link at the bottom of each newsletter.

Through our newsletters you will be invited to take part in our weekly poll, which can be found on the right hand sidebar of the homepage of our website.

Once you are on the homepage, you may want to check out the navigation bar at the top of the page as it provides links to a range of interesting areas of our work – just click a topic and you will be taken to the information.

The left hand sidebar displays the latest headlines from Parliament, as well as political and national news feeds. And our “Topic Index” and “Archive” page contain a treasure chest of over 1,000 original articles.

These newsletters and our website are freely available to all interested people. We are very happy for our newsletters to be forwarded on to others, and we welcome new registrations to the mailing list.

To maintain our independence, the NZCPR accepts no government assistance. That means we can only operate through the kind support of readers who value us speaking out on their behalf on matters of national interest. Our in-depth analysis informs opinion leaders and decision-makers, and together we are helping to shape the future direction of New Zealand. If you would like to help support our efforts, please click HERE.

We hope you find value in our public policy research and commentary. We do not shy away from the tough issues but speak out when strong voices are needed. Our firm belief is that informed citizens are at the heart of a well-functioning democracy.

Thank you for your interest – and happy reading!

Kindest regards,


Dr Muriel Newman
NZCPR Founder and Director