Thank you so much for signing our NZCPR Plain English Petition!
The New Zealand Centre for Political Research is a public policy think tank that provides research and commentary on matters of national interest.
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To support this project, please encourages others to sign the petition by sharing the petition link with your networks.
Here’s a simple explanation that can be copied and pasted into an email to those who might be interested:
If you too are concerned at the growing problem caused by the increasing inclusion of Maori words in official English communications without a translation – which often renders the meaning incomprehensible – then please support the Plain English Petition here:
It suggests an amendment should be added to the Plain Language Bill that is going through Parliament at the present time to require that an English translation must be included whenever words of another language – including Maori – are used in official English communications.
Thank you once again for your interest and support.
Dr Muriel Newman
NZCPR Founding Director