Poll Archives

If the New Zealand flag has to be changed, which of the 4 finalist flag designs would you most like to see as the replacement?

  • 2 (50%)
  • 4 (49%)
  • 1 (1%)
  • 3 (0%)

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Start Date: September 2, 2015 @ 10:30 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Should women on welfare be paid to have more children?

  • No (98%)
  • Yes (2%)

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Start Date: August 30, 2015 @ 8:54 am
End Date: No Expiry

Do agree with iwi representatives being appointed onto Regional Councils to manage and control freshwater?

  • No (99%)
  • Yes (1%)

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Start Date: August 23, 2015 @ 8:03 pm
End Date: No Expiry

If the New Zealand flag has to be changed, which of the 40 flag designs would you most like to see as the replacement?

  • 8 (43%)
  • 33 (26%)
  • 24 (5%)
  • 37 (4%)
  • 3 (4%)
  • 38 (3%)
  • 12 (2%)
  • 34 (1%)
  • 40 (1%)
  • 13 (1%)
  • 36 (1%)
  • 4 (1%)
  • 20 (1%)
  • 10 (1%)
  • 35 (1%)
  • 22 (1%)
  • 15 (1%)
  • 32 (1%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 28 (0%)
  • 27 (0%)
  • 30 (0%)
  • 26 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 39 (0%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 21 (0%)
  • 18 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 23 (0%)
  • 31 (0%)
  • 17 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 29 (0%)
  • 11 (0%)
  • 14 (0%)
  • 19 (0%)
  • 25 (0%)
  • 16 (2%)

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Start Date: August 16, 2015 @ 3:57 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Are you in favour or opposed to the private sector running prisons?

  • Opposed (60%)
  • In favour (40%)

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Start Date: August 9, 2015 @ 11:33 pm
End Date: No Expiry