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Dr Muriel Newman

A Society of Equals

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The Craggy Range walking track debacle is an excellent example of why iwi tribal groups should have no more power than the rest of society.

It seems that when the Craggy Range Winery was opened at the base of the Te Mata Peak in the Hawke’s Bay in 2003, they thought they were doing the right thing by inviting local iwi representatives to perform a blessing.

When the company decided in 2017 to construct a 2.4km long public walking track to the peak, the local Hastings District Council approved their plans, without requiring public notification or iwi consultation.

The winery made their announcement last December:

“Craggy Range is pleased to announce the development of a new public walking track on the eastern face of Te Mata Peak. The new track, designed by one of New Zealand’s leading track designers and builders and developed at a cost of $300,000, will establish a new link between the various tracks and cycleways in Te Mata Peak Park and the eastern side of the ‘sleeping giant’. The walking trail is something that we have wanted to do for some time. It is a privilege to be able to complete a project like this, in such an amazing landscape.”

Indeed they should be very proud of creating a $300,000 public amenity with the blessing of the council – but unfortunately, the local iwi did not agree.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, freelance journalist Karl du Fresne picks up the story:

“The killer blow was landed by the local iwi, Ngati Kahungungu, who were offended because Craggy Range didn’t consult them beforehand.

“Why the winery should have gone cap-in-hand to the tribe wasn’t entirely clear, since the land belonged to Craggy Range and, legally speaking, it was none of Ngati Kahungungu’s business what the company did with it. But property rights count for little when they conflict with the assumed right of an iwi to have a say over the affairs of others…

“It’s strange, too, that the eastern flank of Te Mata Peak should be considered sacrosanct when there’s a road up to the peak and multiple walking and cycling tracks on the other side. Perhaps these are considered a lost cause, having been built in the days before Maoridom learned how to exploit Treaty-era politics and Pakeha guilt.”

The complaints from iwi – and from the activist Environmental Defence Society – came as a shock to the winery.

Wanting to put things right, Craggy Range management decided the track should be taken away and they approached their consultants for some options.

But it turns out that removing a track is not as easy as it sounds!

Ironically, the council is now requiring a resource consent for any restorative work. That opens it up for iwi and other busy body groups to object, ensuring it ends up in the Environment Court. This would no doubt cost Craggy Range substantially more than the cost of the track, not to mention the stress and untold hours of worry – all for trying to do the right thing for their community.

Meanwhile locals, who thought the track was a brilliant idea, launched a petition to keep it open – at last count almost 20,000 people had signed. The winery’s preferred option now appears to be to plant the area in native species to hide the track.

But the whole fiasco is ridiculous. The track is already grassing over and integrating into the landscape – as the designer said it would – and as anyone undertaking landscaping earthworks knows. In addition, people are happily using the track to walk to the peak.

The best thing Craggy Range could do is forget about the complaints and do nothing. If they respond at all, they should hold their head up high and call for public support. In other words, tell the iwi to get stuffed.

What this unfortunate situation shows is that in New Zealand right now, iwi believe they have the right to rule over private decisions made by private individuals about their own private property rights. They are bullies, and the best way to deal with bullies is to stand your ground.

Iwi claim to have the right to rule over private property because they say they are ‘partners’ with the Crown.

But Anthony Willy, a retired District Court Judge and former Canterbury University Law Lecturer, carefully considered the question of whether Maori have partnership status with the Crown and concluded that the claim has no legal authority: “Maori and the Crown are not partners in any sense of the word. It is constitutionally impossible for the Crown to enter into a partnership with any of its subjects. The true position is that the Crown is sovereign but owes duties of justice and good faith to the Maori descendants of those who signed the treaty.”

In other words, their partnership claim is a fraud.

Democratic rights in New Zealand are based on citizenship – not race. Under our constitutional arrangements, governing power is held by our elected MPs – not judges, nor a self-proclaimed iwi aristocracy.

Despite this, iwi leaders have found that by claiming partnership status, they can intimidate people into submission and get their way.

That’s the strategy that’s been played out all across the country as tribal leaders attempt to force their way into local government, through the introduction of Maori wards – or the appointment of iwi representatives onto councils with full voting rights.

As a result of last year’s six-yearly local authority representation reviews, many councils rejected such advances by iwi leaders for Maori wards, knowing their communities would be opposed to the race-based division of local government.

But five councils caved in and decided in favour of Maori wards. However, thanks to the petition rights that Helen Clark’s Labour Government included in the 2001 Local Electoral Act –  giving local electors the right to call a poll on constitutional decisions such as the introduction of Maori wards – Palmerston North, Whakatane, Manawatu, Western Bay of Plenty, and Kaikoura, are each holding a referendum. The closing date is May 19.

Meanwhile the Minister of Local Government, Nanaia Mahuta, wants to undermine local democracy by abolishing Helen Clark’s petition rights from the Local Electoral Act in order to satisfy the demands of iwi leaders for Maori wards on all councils. While Labour has the backing of the Greens for such a law change, they would also need the support of New Zealand First.

The real way forward, of course, is for councils and MPs to ignore the iwi bullies and listen to the voice of their communities. If they did that they would understand that the public do not want local government divided by race.

Most Kiwis are fair minded and generous people who, when it comes to elections, will give anyone a fair go. But they need to know that they have the good of the whole community at heart, not just their own self interest. After all, anyone elected to local government must take the oath of office and swear to represent the best interest of their whole community, not just their sectional group.

Overall, Maori representation in local government is on the rise – increasing from 4 percent in 2004 to 10 percent in 2016. That means that if Maori wards were to be introduced, they would undoubtedly lead to the same over-representation of Maori in local government that has occurred in Parliament, where the existence of the seven Maori seats has led to 24 percent of all MPs now claiming Maori heritage – some 29 MPs in total.

In fact, a debate on the future of those Maori seats in Parliament is currently underway as a result of Labour MP Rino Tirikatene’s private members bill to entrench the Maori seats having just been drawn from the Parliamentary ballot. The bill seeks to prevent the Maori seats from being abolished by a simple majority in Parliament, by giving them the same protection in law that section 268 of the Electoral Act provides to the electoral system, the term of Parliament, the general seats, and the voting age, where a 75 per cent majority – or a referendum of voters – is needed for any change.

However, even if the Maori seats were similarly entrenched, the entrenchment clause itself could still be abolished by a simple majority of Parliament, which means in reality that the bill would not protect the Maori seats from abolition.

While Labour has secured the support of the Green Party for their entrenchment legislation, New Zealand First has indicated they are likely to oppose it. However, having already broken an election promise to hold a referendum on the future of the Maori seats, New Zealand First can no longer be trusted on this issue, and we will have to wait and see how they vote.

In reality, the Maori seats in Parliament should have been abolished long ago. They were established as a temporary measure in 1867 to give those Maori men who didn’t qualify under the private property requirements of the day, the right to vote. That was 12 years ahead of non-Maori men who didn’t qualify, who only gained voting rights on the adoption of male suffrage in 1879. The four Maori seats should have been abolished at that stage – or in 1893, when universal suffrage was introduced.

The 1986 Royal Commission on the Electoral System recommended that the Maori seats should be abolished if MMP was introduced – to avoid an over-representation of Maori in Parliament. Accordingly, when the MMP legislation was tabled in Parliament, there were no provisions for Maori seats. However, National’s weak-kneed politicians re-introduced them after an outcry from iwi leaders. But the new requirements tied the number of Maori seats to the Maori Electoral Option resulting in their number increasing from four to seven.

The Maori Electoral Option, which is held in the same year as the Census and allows voters identifying as Maori to choose whether to register on the Maori roll or the general roll, opened on April 3 and will close on August 2. According to the Electoral Commission just over 7000 people have switched from the Maori Roll to the General Roll, while 4610 have gone the other way. This could lead to a reduction in the number of Maori seats from seven to six at the next election.

When the Royal Commission recommended that the Maori seats should be abolished, they argued that all parties would then have to pay attention to Maori voters and their concerns. They believed that the continued existence of the Maori seats was marginalising those voters.

And that is indeed the situation. The Maori seats have become a power base for the iwi elite. Their focus is on increasing their influence and status through co-governance rights and claims for privilege, rather than caring about the plight of marginalised Maori.

In reality most New Zealanders, including most Maori, see us as one country and one people. 

But by entrenching separatism within our voting system, the Maori seats have divided Kiwis on the basis of race. As such, they are abhorrent to our modern and diverse society where equality is sacrosanct. The Parliamentary seats reserved for those with Maori ancestry should be abolished. 

Furthermore, local body councillors should not only learn to listen to their communities, but they must also find the backbone to stand up to the tribal bullies and say no to race-based representation and special treatment.

And MPs should stop pandering to the demands of iwi leaders for superior rights to other New Zealanders. They need reminding that under New Zealand law we are a society of equals and that everyone deserves equal respect and opportunity.

And as far as Craggy Range is concerned, the winery should take a stand and shelve all future plans for changing the walking track and leave it as it is. It’s a wonderful public amenity and they should be applauded for their initiative!


What should the Craggy Range winery do about their walking track – capitulate to iwi, or stand their ground and do nothing?

*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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I have frankly had enough of their claims to everything and raising themselves above the rights of other citizens. When will Government bring this to an end.. Dene
This has nothing to do with Maori. All they are moaning about is that there is no Khao (tax free money ) for them to squander . Allan
Absolutely stand your ground. Don’t even acknowledge any correspondence on the matter. Let them just get stuffed. Graeme
Heed the majority petition to save track. Doug
“Troughing” that all thats required to put things right David
We have to stand up to iwi bullies they are having far to much influence and introducing apartheid Beverley
Duh!! Simon
never give in to iwi Cliff
Why give in to allow owing to have a say over privately owned land Norm
Unfortunately someone needs to stand up and say I do not need or wish to have some self appointed race based body telling me what I can or can’t do with my own property. If this is not done then we will all be subjected to this BLACKMAIL Robin
Absolutely stand ground. Enhance the Track with parking facilities. It is time to ignore the intimidation of the Maori “Elite” They are bullies at best. Jeff
The local Council approved the Craggy Range Track to be built on private land and the winery has spent a considerable sum to provide a superb amenity. Do not capitulate to local iwi but equally it is frustrating to do nothing. Place a full page article in news media to express the disgrace of local iwi elders (not Maori in general) over this matter. More traction is needed across NZ and International media to highlight that race relations in NZ is off-the-rails. Perhaps that would satisfy those who want to kerb immigration (more will think twice before coming). Martin
Apartheid in reverse Eric
As the article said, they should tell the Kai to go get stuffed. This is heifer dust. Robert
Bugger iwi. They are such a minority. Angela
Giving in to bullies is always a very bad idea! Elizabeth
Tell the Maori to get stuffed. We have had a guts full of their racist BULLSHIT. Peter
One law for all. That’s the essence of the Treaty. Bruces
stuff ’em David
What a stupid, petty fuss this has become. With the building of cycleways and walkways and encouraging Kiwis to get more exercise for the good of their health, just continue to use this new track and thanks to the winery for gifting it to us. Maoris can get ‘stuffed’. Chris
Enough is enough Michael
Stand their ground. but don’t do nothing, tell iwi to go get stuffed and ban them from using the track. Stevo
Unbelievable how far this emotional blackmail has gone. Well done Craggy Range, may your community support you to do nothing more than the great good you intended. Lisa
Anything claimed fancifully or otherwise under the guise of a treaty claim is racist. It is time for the govt to abolish the tribunal so that any claim has to be funded by the appellant. Paul
Forget IWI, Time for all kiwi’s to be one people equal without any division by Race. Don
Definitely stand their ground. This attitude of radical Maoris should have been nipped in the bud long ago. Excellent article by Karl du Fresne. Barry
If HDC gives in to these activist tactics those elected councillors may as well all resign because they will forever be looking over their shoulders waiting for the next Iwi gripe. I hope Craggy Range owners will stand their ground and do nothing and I also hope our elected councillors will do the same – appeasement does not work in this case. Fiona
IWI have too much say for a small percentage of this country. Just look at the foreshore and sea bed problems, we are all New Zealanders if we do not go forward together we will not get anywhere. Ross
Stand their ground AND tell the narcissistic Iwi brown parasites to get stuffed! Scott
We need someone to stand up to Ngati Kahanunu and Tomoana, who’s nothing but a bully at best anyway Neville
Iwi allowed too much power from weakkneed government Edward
Stand their ground and do nothing Jane
Why do Maori think they have the right to interfere with privately owned land? Isabel
Beat the Bullies in the Bay Warren
Tell iwi to get stuffed Athol
Another racist storm for money Barry
We are all equal in New Zealand. Maoris are being racist and racism is frowned upon by ALL New Zealanders and should not be pandered to any longer, in any way whatsoever. Diana
I have Maori blood and say stand your ground they have my blessing Bryn
The only way to stop a child having tantrums is to ignore them. Claire
Another move to gain money from visitors Edward
Parasites on society are tribal iwi. Tribalism always causes conflict. As a first generation New Zealander, I resent this constant referral to the Maori worldview and the language being forced down our throats. The whole thing is bullying and backward. Monica
Plant the whole hillside in trees, ALL sorts of trees for colour (autumn colours and spring vibrancy. NOT just boring dark leafed evergreen, dour NZ species. Bryan
Send the iwi a dozen red, it won’t be the first time they’ve been bought. Steve
Could this be the start of a push-back against the unjustified claims etc ? Laurie
Personally i am sick of Maoris racist demands. Workers are badly needed in the area, lets see if young Maori can rise above their dole money and do something useful for a change, to help the local growers who put so much into their local economy. Brian
This is private property and Iwi no longer have any right to dictate what the Winery can or cannot do on their own property. Lynn
Tell the iwi that they have equal rights to walk the track which should remain Jim
They should stand their ground and tell the blasted Iwi to get stuffed. These rapacious bastards should be told to pull their heads in before we will all be indoctrinated to give in to their never ending demands every time they come up with another ridiculous claim. Colin
Stand your ground Craggy Range Winery. Ignore the greedy self-indulgent gits! Vic
The current trend of Maori/iwi is to get as many fingers in to the pie, and obtain money and land in anyway that they can. This Country is for New Zealanders, not a racist society!! Roy
No-brainer Allan
Stand tall and stand up to Iwi. Fraser
I wish someone would ask Iwi to please explain to the rest of the population of New Zealand -in clear English- exactly why they think they should be able to dictate to any owner of private property what they can or cannot do with their own legally owned property? And do so without prattling on about having some scared right or partnership with the Crown. Stay strong Craggy Range!! Erin
One country one people, IT has nothing to do with Maori rights Marree
when will it ever go away ? Maurice
WHY are ELECTED poiticians NOT listening to people.RACE BASED POLICIES are NOT DEMOCRATIC,we are ALL SUPPOSED to be ONE PEOPLE. Cindy
The continuous Maori bullshit in this country should be stopped immediately! Unlikely, with the week-kneed Losers’ Coalition trying to run our beloved country. Tony
Give the bullies the attention they deserve – none Karen
If we allow ourselves to continue to be bullied, we will lose our freedom of speech, our freedom to live our lives in peace and harmony – as one people Sue
Craggy peak, please produce a wine with the track featured on the label. The proceeds (undoubtedly many) will help to silence the Iwi claims Bruce
Its the only option that works for the future. Peter
They have to stand. Bruce
Craggy Range Winery should stand their ground. There is to much of this bull shit from Maori these days. Maori are trying to hold power in this country and it was time it was stopped. They are putting a black line between white and brown in this country. So Maori stop the bull shit and stop wanting the hand outs all the time. Maori never talk about helping the country. Its always about them them. Robert
I think Craggy Range’s offer to plant the area is the right option Lyn 
Had a guts full of this apartheid we see in newzealand we should be one working for the same out come Brian
It is private land and the iwi chief is acting as a bully in demanding removal of a private assett liked and usedby the community Peter
This is a lesson to all land holders not to seek iwi blessing at any stage of development. We are a 21st centuary people and should not subscribe to spiritualist mumbo jumbo Irvine
NZ, one vote and one nation !! Pierre
Stand firm. Kia kaha! These separatist buggers are trying to have you on. Robin
This whole saga is beyond ridiculous – why are these people so constantly negative? It gets to the point where you simply switch off and walk away. The media seem to be mesmerized by any utterance of Maori, irrespective of how ludicrous. Barbara
I know I’m cynical, but another case of “how much money for us to say yes”. David
It appears all IWI are becoming dictators Brian b
Maori should not be allowed to interfere in these things. They talk about is being all. They have been allowed to do these things far too long. ONE PEOPLE IN NZ what a load of bollocks, it is not so in NZ if things like this are allowed to happen all the time. Nancye
This is a great chance for a show of solidarity to put down the bully tactics of racist tribal Elite Bryan
They are only 12% of population why should they make these demands and after all that 12% is only 1/2 Maori Stand fast Craggy Rock Rita
I am concerned with the bullying by iwi.. we must convey our support to craggy range winery Anthony
I love the way successive Governments have called this joint management. Not what it is. Joint ruler ship in the Nation. They have expanded the treaty out so much it now means partnership. Fifty fifty on everything. Their own courts justice sytem police and so it goes on. The ul;timate. , 50 percent of the tax take. Dene
Craggy Range YOU MUST stand up to these bullies. They want money to go away. Disgusting Govts have capitulated to their obscene demands for too long. AND THEY AND THE POLITICIANS SHOULD HEED JUDGE WILLYS STATEMENT – THERE IS AND NEVER WAS A ‘PARTNERSHIP’ Carolyn
The article says it all. The radical Maori’s need to be politely told to piss off. Ralph
Iwi are bully-boys; and the only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them. Sadly, the political left, who are (supported by the media) controlling the narrative, will support Maori, right or wrong. This is not a situation in which reason or reasonableness will prevail, so we should expect the council and winery to grovel to the iwi malcontents. Graham
The media and TV give these people far too much air time and print so Craggy Range tell them to “B” off Allan
This is a ridiculous situation where if we don’t stand up against Maori intransigence similar problems will just keep on arising. Lynette
As he says”Tell the iwi to get stuffed” Terry
The so called scarring has all but disappeared with regrowth of grass and vegetation. This will further improve in a few months time. Brian
It’s their property, and they apparently had no legal requirement to notify council or iwi. It’s a walking track, for f@*#’ s sake. Get offended if you want, iwi, but you’re really stating to offend ME. Andy
I hope they choose to retain the wonderful gift of the track for all in the community to use and enjoy, on their land. Christine
Tell the I want it’s, to pi– off!. John
Maori have become bullies and complain about a lot of things, they prevent progress. Kevin
Iwi can jump in the lake as far as I’m concerned. They have no right whatsoever to have any say in this matter. Eric
Please please, stand your ground. You can gain the publicity needed to halt the ngati gimmee gimmees. Separatism is holding our nation back Kabe
Enough is enough. Time to live up to the belief of one nation one people before we splinter further. Peter
Definitely stand their ground. Private property rights are under threat in nz. Willy
Stall. Something else will come along soon to take their minds off the track. Also time will reveal the true gift to the province. Chip
Stand up to the bullying. It is a great amenity for all to use Laurel
a private company, having obtained resource consent should not capitulate to iwi pressure. Donald
Couldn’t agree more but as long as we have a political system that see parties openly agreeing to Iwi demands and promoting separatism it will be a long hard battle to reverse what has almost become the norm.Yep, tell them to get stuffed. Barry
Excellent article Levonne
Treat bullies the same way they treat you. Give them a smack on the nose. Robert
Abolish all racial legislation and privelidge MAURICE
Typical Maori bullying.. Martin
Absolutely stand their ground. They have our full support Carolyn
Do not allow this blatant bullying from a racist-minority group. Barbra
Typical. Give them and inch and they will take a mile. It must stop and the Government should show some real leadership for a change and abolish Maori boards , electorates and evrything that gives Maori the wrong understanding Harvey
The track didn’t suddenly appear when someone waved a wand over the hillside. Iwi had plenty of time to put a stop to the track!! Hugh
This grandstanding from the Iwi is a good example of why there should never be unelected Maori representation on local body Councils; or any other statutory body. It is high time that Maori, those claiming to be Maori, instituted a ‘GRATITUDE DAY to thank the colonial Missionaries for coming to NZ and saving the demise of what was a dying race of people. Bob
About time people found some balls and put a stop to this nonsense. I can’t believe the collective lack of insight into the path this is taking us. It will end in tears. John
It’s craggys stand your ground JOHN
Craggy range have provided at their expense a facility for the the public to use. A wonderful gesture. Murray
We should be ONE people ONE Nation, NOT two. Geoff
Craggy Range must stand their ground .No body can deal with Maori on a fair basis,even more so now they are backed by a weak government.Anybody notice how quiet Peters has gone on his Maori issues no doubt put aside as he indulges himself in the baubles of office. Maori have shown they are not to be trusted and have shown that they are abusers of anything fair or decent, Don
These racist maori bullies need to be put in their place and/or locked up like the corrupt criminals they are. Neil
Let the people enjoy it and get some exercise! It’s a very spiritual experience to climb up high to look out over the earth. It could also help reduce diabetes in at risk communities!!! Fiona
When is this ludicous Maori unjustified rights going to stop !! Simon
HDC caused the problem, why are Craggy having to answer to self interested iwi Russ
Majority of people are right behind you. Stand your ground. Margaret
The Winery owns the land and the range has all sorts of tracks etc on the other side so they should tell the iwi to abide by the law and buzz off. Graeme
It is an asset for the community and should be left as is for all NZers to use Andrew
Creeping Iwiism is becoming far too prevalent and costing Millions. Just say “NO” for a change to stop this rubbish. Alan
As well, tell the iwi to bugger off and mind their own business. Colin
The iwi all over nz are getting to greedy because they are Maori they expect every one to give into them Jimmy
Craggy Range Winery must not capitulate to iwi. The Winery has spent a lot of money on a track which is of great benefit to the public at large. It is a PUBLIC amenity. The local iwi will do nothing to help members of the public and all they do is conjure up more lies to grab more money for iwi leaders. Ernest
As the power of the noisy Treaty exploitists grows, it seems they extend their notoriety on others and take away simple pleasures for no other real reason than, they now can! Steve
Are not Iwi New Zealanders? As one people we should all have the same rights and obligations & one group should not be held above the other for any reason! Mary
If the Winery stand their ground and do nothing, it will hopefully encourage the rest of NZ to join in with swinging the pendulum back into a balance point of equality for all. Susan
The latest letter from iwi leader Ngahiwi Tamoana strongly reinforces this. Keith
Definitely stand their ground and do nothing. Sounds as if they did everything right and the public will now have another track to explore Sue
One Nation one people Peter
This makes me SO angry. I am increasingly concerned at the growing push by Iwi to interfere and demand on all manner of subjects. Helen
Your article is excellent and sums up the whole problem Deborah
Bulling tactics are unnecessary! John
Any attempt to “bless” something by kaumatua should be avoided at all costs! Craggy Range unwittingly fell into a trap although their intentions were good. Don
Unbelievable situation. Hold hard and fast. Bernie
Its well overdue for the Maori seats to be abolished. Far too much attention is paid to the demands of the few maori who will never be satisfied no matter what concessions are made. People have had enough… Steve
And stand firm !!! Mark
Its the winerys land to do as they wish with. end of story. John
I agree with the comments of the article Rochelle
The land is privately owned for goodness sake. Tell the tribe to butt out Murray
We’re tired of iwi bullying over private property rights Jim
It is private property Phip
Congratulations on what they have achieved. In no way should they capitulate to Iwi bullies. Mark
Stand there and make it available for everyone. Yvonne
A superior race has no place in NZ Hitler tried and failed!!!!!!!!!! Bryan
Don’t capitulate to iwi bullies. Graham
All New Zealanders need to take a good look at ourselves and say enough is enough. We need to totally ignore the continuing demands by all iwi . The do not have any special rights in this country. Darryl
Stop the Iwi blackmail! Mike
Ignore Iwi and dont engage with them at all. Richard
It has nothing to do with these busy-bodies. Iwi only get more power because no one stands up to this nonsense. Donald
Enough is enough, in my life time I never though or even envisaged that politicians and councilors would come under the spell of iwis, what a gutless lot.. Stop all this Maori it`s utter crap. Robert
Why is it nothing is nothing in NZ allowed to be done without Iwi approval. Maori objection is an agenda for domination. NZ is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship. John
Ignore any Maori wishes, good job the winery did making the track available to all people. Gerard
Bloody oath stand up to the barsteds Clark
As a New Zealander, the embarrassment of hearing Craggy range CEO grovelling on national radio to the Iwi bullies when this issue arose was sickening. (will not drink their wine) Equally embarrassing is a country full of Enablers, universities, businesses, past and present governments, and councils who continue capitulate to a bunch of bullies giving them power to intimidate the citizens of this country. Sam
Private land. Hold their ground against Maori bullying. Murray
Craggy Range should stand their ground without prevarication or hesitation. They should also consider suing the relevant Iwi for harassment or whatever charge they can find and make the damages claim a significant amount. Dianna
Tell the Maori to bugger off ! Gene
Craggy Range -Do not give in to IWI. We support you. Judith
It’s Craggy Range land ,,so they should stand their Ground Richard
This is case where the rights of all NZers are challenged. If we give in to a local tribal group this time ,then where will it end – we will have a divided country. Brian
Absolutely stand their ground. The grass will grow again in the track and it will be beautifully muted, blending into the hillside, becoming only defined by the number of feet that walk on it. Let it be. The Winery was extremely thoughtful and generous in its initiative and iwi are ‘sour grapes’ – they could have gained a lot of mana but instead are losing face because of their selfish attitude. It was well said: ‘They are bullies, and the best way to deal with bullies is to stand your ground.’ Suzanne
They own the area. Thus they have total control. Cliff
Don’t give in to the iwi bullying. They need to get their own problems sorted before they object to a piece of dirt they aren’t happy about. Colleen
Iwi leaders are only doing what they think they can get away with. Like all bullies, they back off when challenged. Two options here. Elect some honesty into parliament, or we should all register on the ‘Maori’ roll & consequently remove the influence of the GREEDY, non contributing few.. A.G.R.
These guys should simply ignore this crock of nonsense. And here we go again — another prime example of with what we are dealing here. And it does certainly not make them Maoris look good– rather the opposite!!!! But as long as our so called representatives in Parliament are happy to bend over and get shafted by the Tribal elite nothing will change .Another real problem at hand is that the NZ mainstream media are altogether in Maori pockets and that does not help to put forward unbiased and sober reporting re these issues. Michael
Stay on ‘track’ Craggy Range. You have the moral high ground. 8 scruffy protestors and a front page banner headline in the local rag does not a protest make. Terry
Appeasement never works, take note of history. Peter
A few militant Maori have become a real problem in this country and Craggy Range must make a stand against this bullying. Janet
Stand up New Zealand, weakness only gets you into a fight and we have had enough of that with those arrogant PART MAORI so called leaders. They have to be put in their place at every opportunity which many of my part Maori friends agree with. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Tom
It’s winery land not iwi land! Mark
To hell with IWI and their lies, ignore the racist idiots and do what is best for NZ, not what’s good for maori, they already have far too many rights than the rest of us have. Stevo
The right and sensible thing to do. Pierre
Like all Maori, I am the descendent of an immigrant family. Like all Maori, our forebears eventually gained a controlling superiority in numbers over those who were here previously. Unlike Maori, my forebears did not exterminate and eat the earlier immigrants. We might respect the memories of ALL cirizens and their inheritance by living peacefully and harmoniously. Live and let live. At let the legitimate owners allow worthwhile public efforts on their land. Philip
So can we Kiwis stir the pot if iwi do something on their Marae that we object too? I could imagine the reaction and the race to the Race Relations Conciliator’s Office. Ian
Make a stand. Sheena
It’s hard to even get a letter to the editor published if you oppose the iwi agenda . Joyce
This elite Maori click need to be put right over this and many other wrongs against OUR country. They are arrogant. We are or should be equal as NewZealanders. Max
It’s time to stand up for equal rights for all New Zealanders. Lynne
I used to support NZ First until the turned wishy washy. Rex
Who is running this country ? Tony
Tell the iwi to piss off Kevin
If any group wishes to claim a right to “partnership” then perhaps they might explain exactly what its contribution to the whole has been in the past and what can be expected in the future. continue to be! Graeme
Its private land, to do as they wish. They created a public amenity & good on them. The only reason Maori are upset is they didnt extort any $ from them. !! What racial bigots they are ! Peter
Stop iwi bullying now. John
The writer said it. Stand firm, call for public support and tell iwi to see a taxidermist. Return to reason, the securing of private property rights – and never forget that your money rightfully earned is your private property and should not be voted away without your consent !!! Don
Absolutely they must stand up to these bullies. Kristene
Stand firm. IWI have no right to challenge this. MAori need to walk it so they can involve themselves with spiritual involvement with their sacred ancestors Tom
it is about time “our” stone aged natives pulled their heads in, went to school and got an education Chris
It is way past time for the New Zealand politicians to grow some guts and stop this dead in its tracks. If Maori want to have representation in Local Government then let them put their names forward just as all others do and take their chances with the voters. Many Maori have and New Zealand should not tolerate any back door methods such as are being touted by Iwi. For those politicians who support Iwi in this endeavour, I have nothing but disgust. Jim
Beyond words! Colin
Craggy Range apparently own it so they should tell Maori to run away, to put it very mildly. Mike
Tell the fictitious Iwi to take a sexual journey. Chris
Iwi have no legal right to dictate anything to anybody Pete
The only involvement Maori want to do with Craggy Range Te Mata Peak track is a a hand out. Pay us some cash and we will go away. Leaches from the so called Treaty. Wayne
These attempts to insert the wedge are stupidity ‘say’ Iwi prevailed – then what next – they are like dogs chasing cars – it is to be hoped they never catch one since the embarrassment of ‘what next’ will be soul destroying Rob
They should take a stand and defend their original decision Peter
Tell iwi they can go to hell, the sooner the better Graeme
Iwi bullies it’s about time we put our foot down who gave Iwi all their perceived powers Peter
This nonsense has to stop. We have plenty of comments on the subject of Maori but we need to turn this into action and quickly. How do we do this ?? Henry
They ( Maori ) are not our partners, never were and and never to be. They have become a Cult and must be treated as such. ISIS and the like comes to mind ..? Alan
How can the silent majority be heard? How can a person with 7/10th Irish claim to be a Maori? Jack
Craggy Range have at their own cost on their own land provided a wonderful amenity for the public good. Time Iwi shut up and go to and worked on some community housing for their people instead Gordon
Enough fairy tales. The Maori should study basic geology. Bruce
If the maori want the track removed, let them remove it but pay compensation to Craggy Range Cliff
Do not pander to IWI David
I bet money has something to do with the Iwi’s interest in this. APARTHEID in NZ allows them to continue to make a mockery of democracy in this country. Geoff
The bullyboy tactics of Iwi deserve a political punch in the nose. We should never give in to the demands of this segment of society who believe we owe them. They’re only content in pulling ideas down. They’re never going to be satisfied. We all need to stand tall against self-righteous peer pressure. Robert
Stand your ground Craggy Range, don’t let a bunch of shit stirring idiots tell you what you can and can’t do on or with your own land. I bet they contributed absolutely nothing to the development of the track. Just tell them to f#@^ off Graham
Nothing to add!!! Denis
This bullying is happening now through all facets of NZ life and our leaders keep kowtowing. Laura
More racial bias Gareth
Am sickened with this iwi elitism and the sooner the government finds a spine the better. Never mind the teeth and baby. Chris
The open letter from the iwi is insulting and totally out of order. Alison
Private landowners giving the privilege of public access to our beautiful land should be thanked and given the respect they deserve. June
I doubt that I am fit enough to actually walk the track to its summit – but I strongly support the idea that it reamains in place for the thousands of walkers who CAN do it. Leave the track alone, and the IWI can go to hell! Carl
Maori do not have Veto over such matters. David
Absolultely stand their ground. Iwi have no right to interfere. We all know that it’s just because the couldn’t charge a big fat consultancy fee that they’re pissed. Brenda
People have to take a stand. Andrew
It’s a no brainer. Somebody has to take these bullies on! Jim
This is a rediculous situation and iwi should have no involvement in private land. Do nothing, leave the track as it is for all to enjoy. Vivienne
it’s about time that people, including politicians, stood up to unelected iwi tribal groups and their incessant demands. Democracy and tribalism are incompatible. Laurence
Please please do not give I. NZ is behind you. We will back you. We need to take a stand NOW! Elizabeth
One can only assume this PC madness will only get worse with our simpering, apologetic socialist government that panders to such faux indignation John
Iwi have no role to play here Alan
I understand that the Council GIFTED the track to the People of New Zealand “in perpetuity.” Paul
This is all part of a continuing plan to convince the world that Maori are not just partners but the senior partner. Bruce
Do nothing. They have done the right thing by making the track. Leave iwi out of it. They should have no more say than any other New Zealander. Kerin
Stand their Ground. This stupid idea of consulting Iwi needs to be removed from all policy and law. It has nothing to do with respecting the Maori People and heritage. It is a ploy for a few tribal rich listers to make more money and is a means for them to gain control of everything. Bruce
No, don”t do nothing….tell the Iwi to get stuffed. We are meant to be a country of equals. James
Private land & people%u2019s recreation. Nothing to do with the Maori . These guys need to get a proper job. Barbara
The Craggy Range Winery have purchased the land and built a wonderful asset for all of us to use. They went trough the correct procedures first with the council and In no way should they capitulate to these iwi demands. Frank
This arrogance by some groups with no “entitlement” MUST Stop! But I cant see this happening under the present Prime Minister. Roger
They have done exceptionally well, providing an access route that all persons can use. Stand firm and be proud. Do nothing. Ross
Private property should be sacrosanct David
Do NOT give in . It is their land .. Tell the IWI to get lost. Don
Iwi have no real interest, except to interfere with other peoples’ business, because they can! Mika
Tell them to get stuffed. David
Extortion has worked well to date and so long as society gives in to their nonsense it will continue. Richard
Many supposed Maori have more European blood then Maori blood. This whole IWI “thing” is getting to be a complete load of Bullshit; dragging New Zealand apart. Gary
Tell maori to stop interfering in other peoples business, I bet they wouldn’t like it if it was done to them Paul
All of these campaigns are designed to increase their influence and so far its working so why would they stop. We need to stop this racism in all its forms! Roger
If iwi are given way to what does this say about the property rights of all other NZ Citizens. It is ridiculous to give credence to co-governance claims and continue down this path of chicanery. Craggy Range Winery must not allow themselves to be bullied into any form of appeasement and be allowed to properly exercise their legal rights. Michael
The racist views and expressions of Ngati Kahunugnu Chairman Tomoana need to be challenged for what they are -blatant racism. His Iwi has no legal or moral rights over land owned privately and where the all local body requirements have been met. It is high time our spineless politicians and apathetic public told Maori racists – we have had enough of your separatist demands and your expectations of special treatment.. Tom
One Law one land cut out all the Maori crap it isolates our lovely kiwi people which includes Maori. We are one Barbara 
Sick of this crap. What they envisage of planting trees to cover is more than enough to sooth the sensitive iwi. Suppose they wanna clip the ticket too. Graeme
It vis about time the rest of New Zealand got behind people lioke the Craggy Range winery and stood up to up to these bolshi iwi who demand everything for themselves. Digby
At Craggy range and LGA Brian
Had enough of maori trying to run the country their way. They don’t own the Peak, the winery does, got nothing to do with maori Graeme
No way to capitulate to any iwi demands. Fight them to the end. David
Stand their ground and tell Maoris to get stuffed as you writer suggests. Peter
This is yet another example of Apartheid taking hold in NZ. What is happening here is farcical. PC, aided and abetted by much of the media is exemplified in the Hawke’s Bay Today newspaper. ON the front page is a large type headline about a protest about the Te Mata track. Inside is a half page article about the protest along with a sizable photograph of about 8 – 10 people protesting. What a beat-up! The winery and the council should just ignore this nonsense. Duncan
Iwi members are scarcely a homogenous group – they’re a mixture of many tribes and ethnicities and are widely scattered albeit at the time of the TOW based at or near Te Mata Peak. Although they would have us believe that they have special entitlements even over private land and of course would be supported by the corrupt Waitangi tribunal that has no basis in law and is absolute b/s. Alan
At the start of the earthworks for the track maori did not object. Only when some locals expressed some concern and dislike did maori join in. Initially they said that the east side landscape had no special significance to them, in other words it was not sacred, just iconic in looks. Those for the track remaining far outway those objecting. Reversing it is more difficult than the original making of the track and it can never be fully reinstated as it was previously, better to enhance it than attempt to disguise it. Iwi seem to think they have a say in everything and by constantly doing this hope the general population will eventually believe this is true. Ignore them Craggy Range, the rest of the population have an equal say and the majority are for it to remain. Peter
I don’t think they should be bullied by the iwi. They thought they were doing a great thing which they did just to get done over by them No Sue
It’s ridiculous that we should even be having this discussion. purely grandstanding for the sake of money and power. Martin
Only add native bush to the walkway which will disguise the track and make for an exceptional walk John
It’s their land, and what they created is an asset to the wider community Hugh
We need to undo the damage done over decades by cowardly pollies giving in to Iwi blackmail. Hugh
Craggy Range have the Sovereign right to do as they wish with their land. David
Enough is enough! We are all equal in this country, and the Law regarding property applies to ALL. Joan
NZ desperately needs someone to have the balls to stand their ground and loudly say NO. Our political system has forced major parties to prostitute themselves to Maori demands and power seekers. How hypocritical it was to have to listen to an elder start the meeting to save the Coromandel helicopter last week yet it is his bloody 7 racial seats that form the government that is trying to close the current service down. What possible relationship to the helicopter is special to Maoridom beggars belief. Craggy Range please stand tall. David
Another case of giving in to maori threats cannot be tolerated David
iwi are just a pack of wingers and most probably are after money.since when wat Te Mata peak sacred ,we are living in 2018 not in the dim dark ages and full of fairy tales John
When will they look forward rather than back? It’s really power that will provide financial outcomes for tham. Money does not filter down to the rank & file. Bruce
It is way past time to stand up to superstition and fanciful notions that are being used by the iwi to raise guilt feelings in the greater community. The walk is beautiful and allows all to see how wonderful the area is. Keep the walk, never give in. Raymond
Most real New Zealanders have had enough of Iwi elite trying to justify their existance. Frank
The winery have done a magnificent job with the track and I absolutely deplore the Iwi interferring. They are wanting to be paid of course as that is behind all their shenanigans. Ignore them. Helen
The track continues to become less conspicuous, so absolutely they should stand their ground. It’s a public asset. Barry
Obvious – do nothing Peter
I have signed the petition to save the track – 17,000 approx for about 4,000 against. Majority rules – especially a majority of that size. As a resident of Hastings I do not trust Ngahiwi Tomoana who is only after koha!! pdm
Craggy Range Winery own the land they should be thanked for providing a great asset to the walking public Lyn
Of course keep the status quo and to hell with the easy weasles James
And why do we have Maori blessings in a secular society? I have no problems with religious blessings but in a secular society it should be all or nothing. And again that word ‘pakeha’ – alien or foreigner or worse. An offensive term no different to ‘nigger’, ‘kaffir’ or ‘honky’. I am amazed that New Zealanders of European descent who have been here for a number of generations suffer this racist terminology. David
The iwi stand smacks of hypocracy considering the western side has roads, walking and bike tracks. If a koha was paid the issue would disappear! Murray
To bend is yet another infringement on private property rights in which the iwi should have no say. If contested iwi -not Craggy Range – should foot both parties bills. Bruce
Iwi have no rights whatever in this issue. End of! Aunty Podes
Ignore Iwi totally and leave the track there for all to enjoy. Reg
i am sick of these ever increasing demands based on race we need a referendum on the race based seats Richard
If as a result of Craggy Range doing nothing the only way for the iwi to force action would require them to front up with some money to initiate legal action, then you can be sure that nothing will happen. The iwi will certainly not put money on the table. Maurice
iwi = pseudo-tribes= revert to primitivism Democracy? Forget it!!!! Bruce
they should make public in all publications including facebook that the tribal groups can get stuffed Bill
The new track is an asset to the community and will soon blend into the landscape. It should be retained. Peter
Stand their ground, as you mentioned tell the Iwi to go away as nothing will change. Geoff
This is just another example of people not standing up to Iwi bullies for fear of being labeled unsympathetic racists. Mike
I will one day when in the North Island I will walk that track and stuff the local iwi Peter
The land belongs to Craggy Range and as such they should be able to do with it as they wish. This is just a case of IWI flexing their muscles knowing they can get whatever they want. Time to stand up to their I Want It attitude!! Bruce
They should indeed tell iwi to get stuffed. If everyone did so the iwi rort would come to sudden halt. jd
A stance needs to be taken and this issue is as good a place to start as any. Some so-called iwi spokes people have a delusional sense of self importance. Grounding them is best done sooner than later. Gary
They did the right thing and hopefully will continue to do so. Please do not listen to megaphone politics from a few promoting racial privilege. Frank
Do nothing but IF Craggy Range wanted to help appease the ego of Iwi then allow Mr Tomoana to gather his people together and remove the track but at their expense. Duncan
When are we going to stop racial cultural nonsense for the maori cultural fraud? Ian
Bloody oath they should stand their ground Eric
iwi are self serving government pimps who are rorting nz at the bequest of goverment Rowan
Soon all of us will have to consult with IWI over anything to do with our properties if this is allowed to continue George
This maori attempt at domination has gone too far. It is time to have it reigned in. Dennis
As a Hawke’s Bay resident I am appalled at the arrogance of the iwi who suggest that they can insist what landowners can and cannot do certain things with their land. Landowners throughout NZ have an obligation to abide by the law in respect of the use of their land, and the consequences of the way they use that land, but are in no other way answerable to any authority, tribal or otherwise. I fully support Craggy Range management and owners in using their land in a way that benefits the local community and tourists. It would be disingenuous to suggest of course that financial gain may be the basis for the protest (9 people!) on Sunday last. Andrew
property rights over tribalism WOLFGANG
The establishment of the track on private land is nothing to do with Iwi. The owners through their generosity have provided the public with a wonderful facility which is clearly being enjoyed by all. The response to Iwi should indeed be to tell them to get stuffed – very appropriate indeed. Chris
Hold head high, never give in to what is virtually blackmail Jan
Tell iwi I to get stuffed ! Ken
I agree totally with the article, time to stop these bullying tactics by a minority who are forever calling racism. What is having separate maori seats but selected on race. Although that is not strictly correct I suppose, maori is not a race, it is polynesians originating in New Zealand. Owen
Are not the Maori an inclusive part of our society? Why do they continue to demand elite exclusiveness on one hand, but on the other, expect to pick and choose all the benefits from the society they continually try to deride?! Raelene
Are there any covenents on the land title preserving rights of previous owners? I must assume not. RICHard
They are the custodians of their own land. The track is their own business. Peter
Just another calculated wrought by Maori to extort money from a vulnerable company. It stinks Pete
Great how much power our Maori race is getting when they are only 15% of the population –those in this trait are causing immense harm to all of the Maori Race whom are being bullies and thus all are being tarred with the same brush….when will it be enough is enough if it wasn’t for the European they would not have what they have now –wake up Marylin
We should stand tall against any form of bullying and Maori demands are bullying. This applies in the Craggy Range Case – Ngati Kahungungu should be told to bugger off and then see what happens. Private ownership is just that, private. Historic sites are protected already and I have yet to see any real evidence that this track damages anything particularly historic like an urupa or even a hangi pit. Alastair
Once again the ” I Want It’s” are trying to influence private land owners by asserting a presumed authority they don’t legally have, CR, don’t back down ! Wayne
Apartheid South Africa? Try apartheid New Zealand. Jenny
BEWARE NEW ZEALAND! Iwi are on the war path – again – just like 200 years ago! They throw in the racist allegations against genuine New Zealanders (one country – one people) when the Maori activists themselves are the ones ‘driving’ racism with intense verbal threats of poor me wild and hypocritical allegations. Then throw in weak and self serving politicians and councillors! Stuart
absolutely David
This nonsense only confirms my belief that the now irrelevant Treaty of Waitangi should be struck out as having no bearing on today’s issues. The days of full-blooded Maori have long passed. John
One country one people. Craggy Range it is your right to do what you want with your private land. Don’t change a thing. Let them whinge and whine. I’m sure you have the backing of many New Zealanders. Dianne
It has already become a asset for tourism Dave
What a great big have on. I’m sure that all this would not have happened if Craggy had offered a substantial “donation” to the Iwi. Why the hell should they? The council, Craggy and the local supporters should stand up to this BS. Tim
Maori’s actions to control this country is now dangerous Jasmine
I recall while at university 45 years ago hearing Sir Bob Jones opining the Maori Nonsence needs to STOP- Look where we have got to,Time to give these buggers the two fingered salute Phil
kiwis should not be bullied by iwi Tony
The winery own the land and have resource consent when they built the track, so have been within the law the whole way through. If they capitulate it will then send a message that if you own land you do not have any rights to do with that land what has been a right of the land owners ever since this country was settled. This includes town dwellers as well as rural land Chris
Once again intereference and threats by a minority group. Iwi need to look to addressing the problems such as the high rate of Maori in prison and family violence. . Colleen
Definately do not capitulate but maybe plant a nice native tree plantation over part of the walk but not blocking the views. Gerry
Enough is enough June
Stand their ground.. Plant some shrubs and enjoy the walk and views. Norm
With perhaps an addition of telling the Iwi to get stuffed. The Iwi does not own the land. The vineyard does. The Iwi have neither the right nor authority to dictate to land owners Vernon
BEWARE NEW ZEALAND! This Te Mata track debacle engendered by activist Maori who base their now commonly used ‘racist attack’ against true New Zealanders is a fraud. Their many other ‘claims’ are similarly based on their ‘twisted’ view of the Treaty of Waitangi. Stuart
Stop pandering to the iwi elite bullies. The hypocracy of focussing on the eastern face privately owned land whilst ignoring the extensive tracking and road on the western slopes is hypocritical. Anon 
If the bunch of half caste want the bronze plaque melted DO IT but don’t give it back, sell the scrap metal and use the money to buy trees for the track and well done Craggy Range for standing up to mob rule and putting in a track for ALL NZr’s Richard
They must face up to the racist demands of maori and ignore their ridiculous demands .It is time that the rest of us stopped listening to the demands of the so called maori elite. they sleep, eat and die just like the rest of us. funny how the Race Relations Commissioner is silent on the abuses suffered by non-maori in this lovely country Frank
Don’t give in to those bullies! Al
Why oh Why do the Maori’s always think they know best. Maybe they do for their own iwi but not for all of the rest of NZ Cherryl
Iwi Bulling bull S–t has been their way of life forever stand over tactics just like the gangs.Tell them all to get stuffed. Allen
It is important to our democracy that they do not give in to racist bullies. We are rapidly developing an apartheid system unfortunately. I want my mixed race grandchildren to live in a fair society. Charlie
Of course their ground, it’s a no brainer. Unfortunately the public at large will again miss out the track that was to have been built for all because of these ever growing number of continuing bullies….shame on them. Audrey
Muriel, Your earlier words about telling the Maoris to get stuffed, sounds good to me. It is about time the Treaty was read to the people of New Zealand in its true form, and get rid of the myths that lie around it. I thought in simplistic terms, the treaty was to stop the tribes from slaughtering, and eating each other. I know there was more to it than that, but it did not contain the nonsense the radical Maoris are spouting. Lloyd
No way in hell give in to IWI. If they want to work with Craggy planting a few assorted trees ( Oaks, Liquid Ambers, Redwoods, Spruce etc ) then IWI may win back a little respect which they do not have from me now. Donald
Goodness gracious – on this goes with scant mainstream media attention for fear of accusations of racism. Even english usage in 2018 is being corrupted similar to the definitions of terminology in 1840. We as a society need to develop serious backbone in pushing back on this rort everyone of us, all the time. Dick
Tell the bullies they have no legal right to tell people what to do with their property and to get stuffed They are trying the same thing with people who live near the lava flows of Aucklands volcanos Arthur
Private property is private. End of story. Kerry
The track is an asset John
Tell IWI to get stuffed. Maori elders nationwide are money grabbing criminals who should be shot. JON
The land belongs to all of us New Zealanders Ian
Yet more IWI nonsense. They have no rights on these matters Kevin
They should not give in to IWI they are in for what every they can get their hands on. Anne
No Deal iwi….Our Way or the Highway… CHowes
Enough is enough before the overall capitulation to things maori goes too far David
They MUST stand their ground and ignore the iwi bullies.  David
This situation is dreadful. The winery has done a great thing and yet they have been lambasted by national media just because the busy body iwi didn’t get their consultation fee. It makes me sick! Michael
I hope the winery will tell the iwi to shove off. They should do nothing and allow people to enjoy the amazing facility that they have created. The silly thing is that you can hardly see the track now! Paula
Like the article says, more people need to stand up to the iwi bullying. It is totally unacceptable. William
No No No to the iwi and Yes Yes Yes to the winery! Good on them for doing such a great job for the community! Murray