Thank you for taking part in the NZCPR survey on equality.
We would like to reach out to as many people as possible, so please feel free to share the link – – with others who might be interested in taking part.
New Zealand Centre for Poltical Research
The NZCPR is a public policy think tank that provides in-depth public policy research and commentary. We do not shy away from the tough issues like equality and racial privilege, but speak out where ever strong voices are needed.
NZCPR Weekly Newsletter
We publish a free weekly public policy newsletter – you can register for it HERE. You can read our latest newsletter HERE.
Supporting the NZCPR
The NZCPR neither seeks nor receives government assistance but depends entirely on the kind generosity of New Zealanders – if you would like to support us, please click HERE.
You may also be interested in…
The NZCPR is running a number of on-line petitions:
- The first, to oppose the race-based allocation of water is HERE.
- The second calls for the abolition of the Maori seats HERE and the introduction of a common electoral roll – as recommended by the 1986 Royal Commission on the Electoral System upon the introduction of MMP.
- The third, to defend private property rights, opposes a bureaucratic Warrant of Fitness scheme for rental housing – HERE.
- The fourth, to protect children from political indoctrination in schools – see HERE – follows on from an earlier NZCPR petition to Parliament. In spite of assurances given by the Ministry of Education, children are still being taught propaganda as if it were fact.
Thanks again for taking part in our survey.