Poll Archives

Do you support Labour’s plan to introduce a new hate speech regulator?

  • No (99%)
  • Yes (1%)

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Start Date: June 12, 2023 @ 1:50 am
End Date: No Expiry

Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Climate change has become a religion that ‘actually has nothing to do with the climate’ and is really about power and control?

  • Agree (99%)
  • Disagree (1%)

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Start Date: June 3, 2023 @ 12:01 pm
End Date: No Expiry

Is Labour any more trustworthy under Chris Hipkins than it was under Jacinda Ardern?

  • No (99%)
  • Yes (1%)

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Start Date: May 23, 2023 @ 11:56 am
End Date: No Expiry

Should New Zealand remain a Constitutional Monarchy or become a Republic?

  • Constitutional Monarchy (95%)
  • Republic (5%)

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Start Date: May 15, 2023 @ 1:34 am
End Date: No Expiry

Is it time New Zealand enacted the recommendation of the Royal Commission on the Electoral System and abolished the Maori seats? 

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

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Start Date: May 8, 2023 @ 2:53 pm
End Date: No Expiry