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Dr Muriel Newman

Time to Oppose Three Waters

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From the outset, Three Waters has been a damning indictment of the Labour Government. Built on lies and misrepresentations, the whole reform programme is shaping up to be a major election issue in 2023.

But first things first.

The Water Services Entities Bill has now had its first reading in Parliament and is open for submissions. The Bill creates the four regional mega-entities that will take over freshwater, stormwater, and wastewater services appropriated from local councils.

We are encouraging everyone opposed to Three Waters to send in a submission by the 22nd of July – full details can be found HERE. A big turnout against the Bill would test the resolve of Labour MPs and send an important signal that they ignore the wishes of the community at their peril.

There is no doubt that Three Waters is contributing to a decline in support for Jacinda Ardern’s Government. This was evident in the latest Roy Morgan poll, which shows Labour has fallen from 50 percent at the election to 31.5, while National has risen from 25.5 to 40 percent.

Those twenty-five Labour MPs who are likely to lose their seats will undoubtedly be questioning the fifteen members of the Maori Caucus, who clearly hold the balance of power within Labour but to date show no sign of backing down from Three Waters and their He Puapua agenda for tribal control.

So, let’s run through Labour’s litany of lies about Three Waters.

It started with what Labour didn’t tell us during the 2020 election campaign. While their manifesto stated: “Labour will reform New Zealand’s drinking water and waste water system and upgrade water infrastructure to create jobs across the country”, they did not share their commitment to He Puapua, nor its goal of making “co-governance and co-management of freshwater bodies compulsory”.

Labour did not tell the public they intended to hand control of water to Maori. Nor did they explain that to achieve that goal local government would be stripped of their key water assets and infrastructure without fair compensation.

And nor did they reveal that Councils would be prevented from consulting with their communities over these changes – even though the Local Government Act requires consultation if a transfer of water services is being considered.

In fact, clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the new Bill specifically withdraws the requirement for local councils to consult with their communities over the proposed confiscation of their water services.

A series of Cabinet papers reveal the progress of policy changes behind the scenes.

During 2018, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta progressed from consulting  iwi along with other interest groups over Three Waters, to prioritising them: “It will be necessary to engage at the national, catchment, and local levels given the range of iwi interests, and also the different and often localised way that three waters challenges are experienced by Maori communities.”

And by 2020, the Minister was involving iwi leaders – representing multi-million dollar business corporations – in policy development: “When engaging with iwi, we will seek to use the National Iwi Chairs Forum.”

After Labour had won the election with an outright majority, the Treaty “partnership” fabrication emerged: “On 14 December 2020, Cabinet agreed that a high-level principle of partnership with iwi will be followed throughout the reform programme … reflected in the governance and operational arrangements of the new water service delivery entities and broader regulatory system.”

The Department of Internal Affairs outlined developments on their website: “It is proposed that Iwi/Maori will have a greater role in the new Three Waters system, including pathways for enhanced participation by whanau and hapu… detailed information in Cabinet paper three.”

In that pivotal June 2021 Cabinet paper, the Minister claimed the authority for taking a 50:50 ‘partnership’ approach to Three Waters came from Crown Law: “Crown Law advice is that there are two significant Treaty principles applicable to the Three Waters Review: partnership and active protection. The principle of partnership requires the Treaty partners to act reasonably and with good faith to each other. The duty of good faith includes a requirement that the Crown take reasonable steps to make informed decisions on matters that affect Maori interests”.

A key part of the Three Waters reforms was the establishment of the new water regulator Taumata Arowai. Until then, water supplies were regulated by the Ministry of Health. Their annual water quality audits showed excellent results, as did the regular surveillance reports from the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR). 

Those factual reports are in sharp contrast to the impression created by Minister Mahuta when justifying the reforms: “Four years ago more than 5000 people got sick and up to four died in the Havelock North campylobacter outbreak and we don’t want to see that happen again… At least 34,000 New Zealanders become ill from drinking tap water every year and many communities around the country cannot drink their water without first boiling it.”

Fact-checking those three main claims reveals firstly, the government inquiry into the Havelock North incident – caused by farm runoff seeping into town water during a storm – was not so definitive: “It is possible the outbreak contributed to three deaths.”

Secondly, the Minister’s often quoted 34,000 figure comes from a fourteen-year-old report by ESR scientist Andrew Ball estimating the incidence of waterborne gastro-intestinal disease in New Zealand that found no real problem with water quality: “the size of most outbreaks is small, averaging nine cases per outbreak in 2000-2004, and is smaller than any other countries for which data are available.”

With insufficient local data to calculate the incidence of endemic disease in New Zealand, Dr Ball used uncertain UK statistics to estimate between 18,000 and 34,000 infections a year – but qualified his conclusions by stating: “The reliability of this method is questioned by the author.”

And thirdly, with regards to “boil notices”, Herald journalist John Roughan explains: “When Nanaia Mahuta says too many New Zealanders are living under boil-water notices, some will know that is not the whole truth. The policy on notices changed a couple of years ago. They are no longer withdrawn once an occasional contaminant is flushed through the system, they are being left in place as a ‘precaution’. The timing of that policy change, about the time the Three Waters reform was starting, makes it hard to resist the suspicion the notices are being left in place to make a case for change.”

So, while Minister Mahuta’s claims of dangerous drinking water lack factual integrity, the responsibility for water quality has, nevertheless, now been passed to Taumata Arowai – the new Water Services Regulator.

Managing the regulator is a Board of seven, two of whom are members of a five-member Maori Advisory Board. According to the regulator’s controlling legislation, whatever the Maori Advisory Board decides, the regulator must enact – or explain why it has not done so.

That means the chair of the Maori Advisory Board holds one of the most powerful positions in Three Waters. Tipa Mahuta – the Minister’s sister – has been appointed chair.

There have been accusations of ‘nepotism’ over the appointment of the Minister’s sister to such a key role within the Minister’s portfolio – especially as the Cabinet manual is clear that Ministers must not be involved in anything that can be considered a conflict of interest, or that conveys the perception of a conflict.

And while Minister Mahuta stepped aside from the actual appointment of her sister, it defies credibility to claim the appointment was not influenced by her. It appears her Maori caucus colleague, the Minister of Maori Crown Relations, Kelvin Davis, rubber stamped the appointment  with the  Prime Minister’s consent.

There is no escaping the fact that the appearance of a conflict of interest throws doubt on the integrity of the whole reform process, raising concerns over whether others are being embedded into key positions of authority.

And why aren’t the mainstream media investigating this in the way they would surely do if a National Minister’s close relative had been appointed to a key position in their portfolio?

Is this yet another example of New Zealand’s Fourth Estate turning a blind eye to the goings on within the Labour government?  

Whichever way you look at the Three Waters reforms, given there are many different ways central government could help councils upgrade their water infrastructure – including emulating the 50:50 shared funding arrangement they use for local roading – the inevitable conclusion is that the primary motivation for the reforms is Minister Mahuta’s desire to advance the interests of Maori in water.

And its not just at the regulatory level either.

Clause 27 of the Bill, requires the four Regional Representative Groups to select 12 to 14 members in an equal number of “territorial authority representatives and mana whenua representatives”.

So, while Region One’s four councils will each have representation on their Group, that will not apply in Regions Two, Three or Four, which have 22, 21 and 22 councils respectively – with two councils split between regions because the Minister has prioritised iwi boundaries over those of councils!

While the Regional Representative Groups can appoint Regional Advisory Panels, which must also be co-governed, that does not apply to the six to ten members of the Water Entity Boards. They must instead demonstrate expertise in the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the “perspectives of mana whenua, matauranga, tikanga, and te ao Maori”.

For ratepayers, the impact of Three Waters will be profound. From funding, owning, and controlling local water infrastructure and service delivery through their elected councils, not only are their assets being confiscated without fair compensation, but their power of control is being transferred to local iwi.

These provisions can be found in clause 140, which gives any iwi members the authority to issue a local “Te Mana o te Wai” directive to the Water Entity Board that cannot be ignored.

In anticipation of this transfer of power, Minister Mahuta has launched a $3.2 million He Pukenga Wai Fund, to provide $18,000 of taxpayers’ money every year to each of the 180 registered iwi throughout the country. The purpose of the funding is “to support iwi Maori to participate in the Three Waters Programme and undertake steps that will provide joint oversight of the new water services entities once they have been established.”

This is just a start – “further support will be announced in the near future.”

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, financial analyst and former councillor Frank Newman, has also been investigating Three Waters, and he exposes the lie that water users will be much better off under the new scheme:

“To explain how the government has made the figures look compelling one needs to understand what a Ponzi scheme is. In essence, it is a deception that generates returns for earlier investors with money taken from later investors.

“This is essentially what the government model does. It is shifting the water rating burden from current ratepayers to future ratepayers by accumulating debt that it assumes does not need to be repaid.

“This tilts the figures in favour of the government’s amalgamation proposal because the entities can borrow substantially more without requiring water users to fund that spending!” You can read Frank’s excellent analysis HERE.

All in all, a disinformation campaign promoting the need for reform of New Zealand’s water services has resulted in the Three Waters Bill that is now in front of Parliament. The Bill passes control of the governing entities to iwi. Water quality is controlled by a new regulator that gives the Minister’s sister the final say. And tribal members are being given control of water services at a local level.

This is not democracy, as we know it. This is Jacinda Ardern delivering on yet another He Puapua goal – in this case, tribal control of water.

Since Three Waters will not be fully operational until 2024, it will become a defining election issue: vote Labour for iwi control of water infrastructure and services – or vote for the opposition to ensure local authorities and their communities retain control of this crucial public resource.

Don’t forget, submission details can be found HERE – and, to assist, we have posted a submission on our Breaking Views Bog HERE, but please remember that while submissions don’t need to be long, they should be in your own words. Good luck!

Please note: To register for our free weekly newsletter please click HERE.


*Do you think Three Waters will harm Labour’s chances of re-election in 2023?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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We can only hope Liebour fail catastrophically. Sheila
Bloody hope so Sheena
Don’t see them getting back in. Ken
Useless bloody labour Allan
It should harm them because forcing such matters on to the entire population without a vote is Socialism in its purest form. NZ is becoming a USSR type country. Very scary! Sheryl
I sincerely hope so! Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw said: “He (she) thinks he knows everything, he (she) knows nothing. That definitely points to a political career.” Does that remind you of somebody? There are generally two types of people who get into Parliament; those who, once in, we never hear from them again, and those who we hear from all the time, and for all the wrong reasons. Kevan
Can this be stopped and if not will it be reversed under a national government ?? Colin
The voters will boot them out, for sure… !good job, and good riddance! ENOUGH! David
Thank God for it too. This appropriation of everything our European ancestors have built for our nation is progressively being handed over to a minority group whom revel in their Maori roots, conveniently ignoring their European family ties. Easily identifiable by non-Maori surnames with most. Not so easy when Pakeha women loved and married Maori men and took their surname. The Maori roll is a broken system that needs an overhaul, or for the sake of national cohesion, scrapped. vic
Appalling proposed legislation, it must be stopped or repealed. The news media should be ashamed of their lack of investigation Maureen
Or if not, it certainly SHOULD do!! gail
I believe the Labour party will loose all credibility if they implement 3 waters as it is an unjustified takeover of community owned assets. I believe the task of any central Government is to set water quality standards for local Councils to attain. Gailene
At least I bloody well hope so Michael
Put it in place, remove ratepayers ability to have say in the control of the water we all need as a life force and the backlash will be immense. The water in NZ belongs and must remain belonging to everyone. What is being proposed and forced through is nothing short of theft. Carolyn
Hope so Dianne
Just shows you what a conniving pack of liars they are. Hope its a massive switch to the right. Peter
I hope it’s the signing of their death warrant! Warren
No problem with one authority. Absolutely object to 50% control by Maori. That is not democracy. Where is democracy in that? Norm
Every little counts Jill
hope so craig
keep hands off from council water works paula
People making it loud and clear that we do not want control of water taken away from Councils! Unelected people on Boards and given authority over local Councils. June
yep… Booted right into touch on the full… never to be seen, or heard of .. ever again!! Communism was never good for NZ, it caused a contageous VIRUS! David
The tide has turned and is now flowing out for the current government. Mark
hope Seymore and Luxton are subscribers to your newsletter alan
Another arrogant move without going through a compulsory referendum of citizens. Just another nail in the lid. So this is the face of democracy! Mike
Absolutely. Three waters is a Trojan horse. Water reforms conceal the true agenda, to deliver control of water to Maori tribes. And this has happened as a result of Nania Mahuta, a Maori list M.P. having the power to force it through. Any M.P. who enters parliament via a Maori seat should automatically be banned from holding a ministerial portfolio. Mahuta has a mandate from Maori New Zealanders only. She is hell bent on advancing Maori interests above all other kiwis. And why shouldn’t she, she is there to represent her people. Our systems have allowed this to happen. Time to abolish the Maori seats in parliament, Maori M.P’s act for Maori only. Louise
God i hope so. So long as the sleep walkers of NZ wake up to this very cocering act of treason against us. Nic
General public needs more info on background disinformation re current state of water supply sally
And every thing else they are forcing on us. John
They will be ‘dead ducks in the water’ ! This situation just gets worse but fortunately the PM continues to collect ridicule. You might like to know that when she wooed Harvard with her drivel ,a mate of mine noted for his skills with ” the pen’ immediately sent the university an e-mail stating the true facts here in New Zealand and it was a vastly different story from hers. Also great to see the No To Three Waters posters throughout the MacKenzie Country last week ! No to lies and deception. John
This is a Labour government sanctioned THEIFT of one of New Zealand’s most valuable resources. At some stage even the stupidest people in this country will realize they are being stolen from. George
Labour’s credibility has been destroyed. Now need to do the same for the Greens. jd
Nz has said no the Muppet queen works for us she has said to bad that’s a dictatorship Walker GED
I most certainly hope so and hope this affair will be the damming legacy of Labours current rule. Lies, deception, and manipulation of the highest order. David
It’s stealing Samuel
certainly hope so but with the media brown nosing our dictator and her brown mates with their bar codes the public of NEW ZEALAND are being hood winked into thinking that every thing is rosy and will be for the future.the whole labour, Maori, greens party’s should be charged with treason. Richard
I for one will not vote Labour at the next election. I will encourage my large family and circle of friends not to vote Labour. Bruce
I hope so!!! Vaughan
It just proves the lies that the Labour Govt the is telling Jim
This and a number of other racist, ethnically biased and maori centric policies will wipe Labour of the political map for some time to come. it will also be the death knell of JA that is if she doesn’t step down first Glen
It is not only dishonest, It could have major and significant effects on local councils asset bases on which they need to raise funds for future local government borrowings Mike
It’s a total sham! Apartheid in plain sight, every advantage for 15% of the population! Lynda
One of many reasons for not voting Labour. Jane
This theft of rate payers assets must be stopped at all costs. Doug.
I really hope so Allan
It already has Bryce
I am part Maori but see what the fish and chip wrapper is doing to a multicultural society is seriously divisive and whilst most New Zealanders expect and made confidence their parliamentarians were fair and honest, we have a group who is totally working for then selves. The treaty has long been outdated but is being used to promote this group who have self interest and a money for nothing attitude. Example Maori groups with business started with compensation money again and again paying no tax thus living on everybody else’s support. Even Samoa who has been promoting groups to build resorts for future generations and given a incentive to finance them with a tax holiday and limited to 10 years. Three waters is just another way of generating money for nothing for a group using racial bullshit for self interest. we are one people and what Ardern is allowing is as bad as what Trump has done in the USAA and should also be investigated via a enquiry and if found criminal the perpetrators should be jailed. Its just the fact that 99.9% of us are to busy getting on with out own lives these self interest groups can use the race card to look for ongoing ways of obtaining money for themselves Alan
The truth will prevail! Doris
I sincerely hope so Valda
Labour must be outed for the shameful destruction of democracy and abject racism Stephen
I hope Ardern and her coalition labour party slip away into obscurity and die a natural death Wayne
Ardern’s major legacy will be that she was the one that destroyed the NZ Labour Party. Ian
Too many people are still way too in love with the dangerous woman Robin
YES, I certainly hope they are voted out. If they do not get thrown out next year then they will continue with their grand tribal theft of NZ’s resources and more. If the incoming party/coalition continues to take orders from the W.E.F., U.N., W.H.O. & the Paris Climate Accord then nothing of any significance will change. Voters will have a dilemma facing them at the ballot box with a continuing loss of our national sovereignty. At election time there should be voting on the day only with paper ballots, hand counting and voluntary poll watchers everywhere to the final count. No on-line voting and no vote-counting machines. “Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. – Stephen K. Bannon (The War Room rumble). Don
If it does not it should do!! c
Of course! Sydney
Yes hopefully it will be the final nail in their coffin. But for me, it can’t come soon enough. Having followed politics for many years, this incompetent pack of liars are head & shoulders above any other government in terms of under performance. The only results they have achieved have been to divide and destroy our once great country. Rex
Hope so, but opposition parties need to start strongly promoting their own counter policies e.g. dissolution of all racial distinction, repeal of stupid legislation so far enacted and in progress currently, and to put interests of New Zealander’s as a whole front and centre. Sadly opposition still looking feckless and woke. Tony
I sincerely hope it will cause a landslide for the Right Terry
Absolutely. And I voted for the last election. never again after this debacle. Roy
We certainly hope so keith
I certainly hope so. Time to remove racist maori dominance from New Zealand. Richard
I bloody hope so , get rid of those idiots John
What normal trusting nzer would not see that the million dollar adverts were not a deceptive lie. ITS been a window of shame for the Maori Caucus from the start. I thank Frank Newman for exposing the deceptions months ago. Maurice
We have been through these reforms with local agencies merging into mega entities before, always with the promise that it will be better and cheaper and none of them did. The electricity industry was a good example as it was going to reduce power costs, which never eventuated. Roading was another example and the Health system is heading the same way. John
They will lose regardless Bryant
Kiwis are too naive to recognise that Three Waters is yet another Labour ploy that will a) create racial devision and b) result in an inefficient centralised structure, the cost of which will be borne by the rate/tax payer., i.e. themselves. Kris
Hope it is the nail in the coffin Nev
They are a gone…for sure. Christopher
Certainly hope so. Fred
Not just Three Waters, but also the racist Health Reform bill. Chris
How to engender apartheid in NZ. There is absolutely nothing wrong with water systems in my area and I see no reason to hand over control of water to Maori. All that will happen is that we the majority will have much larger bills put on us to pay so that the IWI ring ins can be paid. What a rort Derek
Just 1 of MANY reasons they will get the boot. The only way they will remain in power is if they prevent the election or rig the outcome Sharen
The Labour Caucus agenda will see Labour punished at the Polls and rightly so although National will have to work hard to form a Government the reliance on 3rd party votes has to be avoided the Maori Party are the danger if National voters or fence sitters dont get out and vote for Democracy. Come on NZ lets get rid of the loony left. Ken
For the sake of our country and one vote one person I certainly hope New Zealanders what’s at stake Lester
Anyone who thinks about nz future should be warned by this as a harbinger for the future of a totally dysfunctional system of governance of this country. Willy
I sincerely hope so as we have to get rid of this treacherous leftist mob that call themselves the Labour party — an insult to honest Labour parties of the past. Alan
3 waters is not a democratic decision total theft donna
They are just bloody criminals led by Mahuta & the Maori caucus!! SURELY NZ IS NOT GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN!! There is a lot of money involved, must be because that hardy annual TAMIHERE has joined the fray again to get his share!! WHAT IS THE REQUIREMENT TO PROVE MAORI HERITAGE?? Is it colour,blood % documentation or whatever. Iwi members it is proposed will be undemocratically placed on these boards with full voting rights. IT MUST BE STOPPED Ron
I want to live in a Democratic country where we all have one vote, no more and no less. Peter
So Important voters know what the hell is proposed Karen
This disgraceful conduct is only going to drive an even greater edge in the racial divide. Robert
…..the bigger question must be “what are National going to do about it?” Shock horror should the Maori party fluke a scenario as exists at present. Cyril
Hopefully keep them away from governance for a very long time. Murray
Sincerely trust that they will be defeated big time labour is a very nefarious and untrustworthy group of scumbags Iain
If labour gets back in 2023 NZ will be a banana republic by 2040 Tony
Let’s hope so. However, I’m afraid that too many voters do not appreciate the seriousness of the matter due to the lack of information provided by main stream media Graeme
None of the main parties can be trusted. They’re all on board with WEF and UN agenda Marc
It is clear this undemocratic Labour move is a large threat to our way of living leo
Yes but other burning issues also thomas
certainly hope so Miles
I sincerely hope so! Peter
I sincerely hope it will do massive damage to the prospects of Labour winning another election. God help us all in the unlikely event that such a situation occurs. Our entire country’s economy will go down the drain and all of us with it. When anybody suggests Maori control of anything, I have the vision of a Maori owned or occupied house with rotting windowsills, peeling paint and an assembly of old rusting cars occupying what used to be the lawn. Add to that a few broken windows with blankets hanging over the them and mildewed curtains. Why you may ask. Two main reasons. Maori have no concept of maintenance and in most cases are totally unmotivated to do anything that requires expenditure of personal energy, planning and or personal responsibility. Anything under Maori control that does not net them quick cash, will inevitably fail. How sad it is to have to say that, but it is the unvarnished truth in a majority of cases. Dianna
They will be pushing through everything they can between now and the election, god help NZ Jan
But that will be a good thing getting rid of an anti Democratic Party which I voted for first and last time! Peter
I certainly hope so. Les
yes this will see them gone or the country will sink into 3rd world status & the civil war will start, the brain drain will be unstop able the only people left will be the criminals & IWI Nigel
I hope so Peter
this is race based legislation MARK
Will only harm labour if the hope it goes away public WAKE UP. Nepotism and corruption at its worse with Minister Mahutas sister chair of the Maori Advisory Board to which Taumata Arowai controlling our water must enact the Maori Advisory Board’s decisions. We are being governed by the labour Maori elite caucus and their despot Iwi’s. Thank goodness my parents who went to war for democracy never saw this. We are so old I never thought we would see tribal rule either. God save our children and grandchildren. Brenda
I hope so. Paloma
The brain dead and deluded will always vote on the left. chris
Not just Three Waters. They are dead in the water hopefully anyway. Lois
Which is great as we want the deceitful lot out now Lyn
I will not vote for a party which allows favour to be made by race. One person one vote!!!! Ray
Hope so Bill
Three Waters is the thin end of the wedge and more co-governance will follow if Labour get a third term. The next election will the all about saving democracy in NZ. We cannot allow Labour to continue with this undemocratic and divisive agenda. Steve
how can a minority, because of their ethnicity, control the majority john
Yes it will affect Labour’s chance of re- election. They are not listening to the public and councils I do not know how their big areas they are planning can produce a lower cost to the ratepayers. It will mean in the end higher taxes. We are one and Maori should not have special place on the ownership. Frank
Too damned right. The most sneaky scheme ever. Buy off the media and sneak things under the public radar. Theft on a grand scale. Such “politicians” have no place in a democratic government. Graeme
Yes, if enough people take the time to understand what this all means. Bob
And that’s a good thing. Anything damaging Labour continuing to control this country is helpful. If objection to removing the independent Children’s Commissioner can simply be dismissed and a Bill railroaded through then how much more clearly can Labour demonstrate hubris. They must be voted out. Christina
Absolutely, it will damage Labour’s chances of re-election but it is only one item in a list of many that will be their undoing. Jon
If it does not it will confirm conclusively that the voter votes on fear and greed and is incapable of accepting the responsibility for the state of the country. The gearing is in place for ripple recessions and then the big one! A bit of sunlight is the recent by-election in the North Island where national retained the seat! Frederick
Divide and rule. Guaranteed this is Labour’s agenda, nothing is as it seems. Rod
I could say no because they are failing in so many areas this is just one of them. It will only be one of many failures that together will result in a landslide. Antoni
I hope so. The biggest worry is, of course, the principle of co-governance. Henry 
Yes, and that will be a good thing for our future anthony
If they push on with 3 waters i would suggest they have woken up to the fact they have stuffed this country so much they dont want to get back in. they have proved they are incomplete. they couldnt run a garden party Paul
Nothing but a bunch of Communists. Tony
Soft PM equals powerful Maori MPS riding rough shod over all non-maori citizens of NZ Kevin
Jacinda is a liar and has communist tendency.. The sooner Labour is thrown out the better David
If 3 waters goes ahead, it will be a disaster whatever government we end up with. bryan
I certainly hope so. As your articles quite rightly observe this reform is part of an orchestrated process to unravel democracy in NZ. What really gets me with this co governance feature is that Maori are being given an unelected place at the table without having to contribute to the cost of servicing the community by way of paying their share of rates or taxes. Hardly consistent with the the principles proscribed in the Magna carta. ie no taxation without representation. John
I sincerely hope so. Laura
Smacks of nepotism appointing her family onto theses boards Hazel 
Absolutely hope it does, as long as more information gets out to the voters Denise
It definitely will, it’s a scam, completely unnecessary and costly. Mike
Labour is a disgrace and needs to be voted out in the next election. It cannot be allowed to Govern with its lies and deceit. James
I certainly hope so. The numerous anti-democratic policies of this psuedo communistic Government is a disgrace to New Zealand Bob
yes it will they can rename themselves The Maori Labour Party Trevor
Peter Williams speech on three waters and He puapua is brilliant. Well written, well delivered, it’s a credit to his professionalism. I wonder if he would do one exposing the lies and futility of this govts climate change policy? Allan
I am going to encourage everybody I know to not vote labour simply on this issue. Matthew
They need to forget Three Waters and give it back to Councils Laurel
They have destroyed this country, I can not wait for the elections. Can we have early elections? I hate to think what we are going to have left by the time we have the next elections. Even the English language may be forbidden. Gayle
I believe the majority of New Zealanders have no wish to have three waters thrust upon them. However this may increase the Maori party vote whereby possibly making them king makers. Remember money is always the root of evil. Dennis
3 waters is nothing less than a govt takeover for the benefit of the maori elite. It will be the end of labour and good riddance to them for being so arrogant Angela
There is no yes or no, that is to simple and those answers can only work if there is enough information out there for people to understand, at this stage that is not the case Sven
Rightly, Labour deserve to lose, in saddling all of us with the whims of MP Nanaia Mahuta and her nonsensical approach of trying to force 3 Waters Plan based on He Puapua concepts. No sane person would support stripping ratepayers of their water assets without their consent and hand them over to unelected iwi. Mahuta only cares about herself, her family, and Maori and uses every device corruptly via nepotism to give privilege to them. Alastair
Labour must never be allowed to cheat their way into government ever again. Mind you, same applies to National. Lets not forget that they were responsible for secretly having the “indigenous” recognised at the UN in a Non binding treaty. And again, that was emphasised by Peters. They are all crooks and criminals and need to be ejected. None of them give a shit about NZ. They are globalist puppets and sure don’t work to serve us. Toss the lot out. Neil
Hopefully NZ will wake up to what is going on Judith
I hope so ian
I certainly hope so Peter
I hope it sees them right out of parliament altogether. The sooner the better. Us oldies can’t believe what this stupid government is doing. Ardern is using us to get a job at the left wing UN, like Helen did? Peter
It is a totally illegal assault on democracy and rate payers rights. shaun
I hope so But the amount of stupid people still wearing a mask indicates how unaware they are, even if it’s not in their own best interest. Tony
If someone ( government) has control of all media and therefore all information then they also will have control of all results. I believe all prime ministers and presidents currently sitting in power have been placed and therefore not elected by the people. John
Nepotism and skudkery are being exposed Arthur
I am aware that figures to justify the legislation were extremely increased from those supplied by some councils I note that the Havelock North inquiry overlooked the Septic tanks discharging into the area of the bore Peter
I never thought any change was necessary and then it was such a radical change one can’t help but be suspicious. To cap it off at the end Maoris suddenly come out of the mist and take control of half of it. If they were known for their business acumen maybe we could be a bit forgiving. But no, the whole thing was a dirty rotten trick by Jacinda Ardern to ensure the Maori seats would be hers. I can’t wait till the next elections so we can vote this corrupt lot out, reverse what they are doing and get back to one people one country and start moving ahead again. Eric
Hope So! John
Oh I do hope so! In fact I think it has already. I hope the MSM get skinned and hung out to dry too for their complicity in disinformation, and the sin of ommission. Silence on Minister Mahuta’s nepotism comes to mind. Pammie
That is not all that will put them out of power at the next election. Ian
I certainly hope it does! It’s time this incompetent lot were gone! Heather
Definitely as it is just more divisive, race based nonsense. Steve
I am hoping that many people read your wonderful research and truly see what this outrageous government are doing. They are dividing the country by their racist policies. .I’m only worried that the people who vote for Labour only do it for what they can get from them, They need to hear the truth how they are being deceitful to the people of NZ. So much for this “transparent government”. As for the sister of the minister having the final say that is definitely a conflict of interest. She should be removed immediately. If National get in I hope they will repeal this crazy racist bill. Dianne
The race card is an ace card in the globalist’s tyranny, divide and conquer play pack, joyfully deployed by Jacinda and fiends. Robert
I very much hope so. Dick
This Liebour Govt is continuing to go well beyond their elected permitted powers to achieve a deceitful agenda. The nepotism involved in Mahuta’s real plans to get “co-governance” is so blatantly obvious, the 3 Waters is an excuse or an avenue to get unrealistic political power for 15% of NZ’s population. NO, NO, NO. So, which part of NO does Mahuta & her part maori cronies not understand? Bruza
Everything crossed that it will and thank you both for your very clear and easily understood warning of what is happening to our country. Kindest regards Erin. Erin
I hope so. John
Send Patrick Gower out to do a study and report to NZ’s “because it matters” Dennis
I sincerely hope this puts them out of Govt Erin
The majority of the electorate is biased towards labour because of individual benefits doled out by that governing party. Martin
they do not care there banker boss will sort them mike
Yet another deceitful lie creating distrust and segregation while undermining the democracy our forefathers fought for. Gary
Of course any thinking NEW ZEALANDER (of which a few remain) has to be against this gouging of ratepayers assets into the hands of an unrepresentative few. Come On New Zealand, lets get behind this and throw this lot out for good. Alastair
They should be out now. John
Three cheers. Evans
wink wink let them think this max
A great outcome will see her gone, and her fellow comrades of Labour & National, Greens & Act. Coral
This is abundantly clear from the public opposition to Mahuta and her gang of nepotistic accolytes Keith 
hope so absolutely wrong robin
This will be the end of the Labour party as we know it.Any party that tries to give control of NZ to 15% of the population based on their ancestors is facing annihilation. Steve
It’s not a given that our current government will be defeated in the next general election. They can count on the Greens, the Maori party and all seven special Maori seats. There would have to be a monumental shift to the centre right and this would seem to be against the current world empathy toward embracing peoples strong holistic value in human terms. There are still a lot of the world’s adult population that believe that the ‘right’ does not value the world’s struggling classes or those who chose to be aligned with different groups. The right has to be careful in what it considers is to be an essential normal self-sufficient contributing citizen. It’s up to our right wing parties to convince the great silent majority that they can ensure New Zealand remains a fully democratic country. But to do so with much thought and wisdom whereby all our diverse groups can still be themselves so long as we as individuals are all treated much the same and will have the same opportunities for social and economic advancement along with the same sort of treatment for natural justice as it would be for any of the different groups or as an individual citizen. It’s necessary to get the balance right. It’s also really up to the leaders and members of the right-wing parties to demonstrate that they do have the metal and the wise plans of how they are going to accomplish the corrections to what will look to be just plain bad policy and how to uplift our fallen citizens from the poverty that just shouldn’t be in our country. It can be done and must be done. A lot of it requires quality thinking outside the square coupled with pragmatism and common sense. We as humans need to treat our kind much better no matter how different we appear to be as individuals or as in groups? Garry
They are hoping that enough Kiwi’s are blind to what’s going on and just say “she’ll be right”, or think it won’t affect me. Andrew
Please god it does!! Helen
Yes it may harm Labour’s chances next election. And so it should! Sheila
I bloody well HOPE it costs them re-election! Mike
I am hoping so? Donald
If it proceeds then Labour will loose the election. If they pause it may win by deceit. Merv
I sincerely hope so!!! Rob
Unfortunate – punishment for addressing long neglected issues John
Hoo boy! What a question! Kowtowing to the Maori elite will destroy Labour for a generation. Interesting times! Perhaps those Labour MPs who are due to lose their seats at the next election will stage a coup. We can but pray! Jenny
It is way past time to STOP this Racism and pandering to the Tribal Elite. Election Time, will also be time to see if this Labour Party has access to the Dominion, can’t possibly lose, ‘ Voting Machines’ Geoff
I certainly hope so! Brian
It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Matt
Once unilateral decision-making without any discussion May well see Luxon in at last bryan
It will not get many elected to Parliament at all at the rate their previous high popularity is falling. Ray 
3 Waters is wrong. No way should it be accepted here in New Zrealad. William
what else would you expect from a load of communists David
Plus everything else they are proposing RICHard
Definitely yes! Lorraine
Yes but perhaps not enough. Mark
Dictatorship David
Three Waters is the most race biased scheme ever to be forced upon NZ’ers by a Government that is openly deceptive. This scheme will be their downfall at the ballot box. Colin
I hope so Colin
New Zealanders won’t accept the corruption of democracy in the country Ihaia
Most definitely. It is a scam! Marilyn
This is a Government out of control! This is not democracy! Dianne
Absolutely Arthur
With luck!!! Peter
Why does the International community accept APARTHEID in NZ when they ostracised South Africa for similar practices? Geoff
Hopefully labour will loose the election due to all there crazy scenes that they have bought in Carl
May the downward slide gather momentum. JA wants to be popular, and she certainly puts on a show overseas, while increasingly alienating herself from many NZ-ers. Why can’t she see this? What about the chances of a snap election? Laurence
Along with about 100 other reasons. NZ voters were asleep at the wheel in 2020 — let’s hope enough wake up in 2023 Philip
It’s the lies and subterfuge that will be their undoing. It’s laughable to hear PM lecturing overseas about democracy. Jane
They don’t care about other people or what they think. John
well i certainly hope so,and i hope that people think very seriously before they vote next year,this government needs to go and there co governance crap with it rodger
Labour is taking New Zealand down an undemocratic path towards communism with all power to Maori – It racist in essence and inverted apartheid which is unbelievably scary for such a great country as New Zealand Lesley
We can only hope pray that this unbelievable piece of apartheid based rubbish will finally return these parasites to where they came from ie under a rock . I have sent my submission in already via the Taxpayers Union ,let us all hope rather than just writing a few lines to NZCPR ,people get off their backsides and submit a protest . Ray
But that is surely good news. The more they alienate people the more reason to dump them..! Peter
Totally corrupt Government and power Heather
I certainly think and hope Labour and the Maoris, will be soundly defeated at the next election. They are not fit to govern with their lying negative attitude to democracy. The more we can expose their treachery the greater their defeat. The Nelson mayor has announced she is not standing for re-election in October. She can see defeat looming for her, due to her support for Three Waters and refusal to support Nelson ratepayers in our fight for democracy. She has denied that it is the reason for retiring but it is just too much of a coincidence to believe. This is a positive move and we need to find all Labour candidates for the Local elections and not vote for them. CHRIS
Absolutely will Dianne
it better harm them, but what have we got in their place?????? wayne
I Pray it will Harm their chances completely meg
Thank you for exposing this fraudulent,self serving , trough feeding injustice!! Where does racism start and finish? B Rayner
Already has! Colin
Absolutely. Maori Culture is a composite Culture borrowed from the original peoples of New Zealand. Their Heritage is based on genocide and lies, I feel for the genuine New Zealand people who are being politically annihilated. David
I sincerely hope so. Bill
Of course – no brainer – with the vast majority of Kiwis opposed to it of course it will affect Labour’s chance of re-election. mark
Total underhanded deal, my opinion is this is the first step taking water control, next it will be foreshore and seabed. Jan
The matter is a disgrace to the Labour government, no meaningful consultation with local government or the populace in general. Secret consultation with Iwi by the Labour Maori caucus. Nepotism be the Minister by the oblique appointment of her sister to the chair of the new organisation. Roll on the election next year to throw this government out. CLINTON
oh yes nev kathy
Only a degenerate leadership and party would pursue such a corrupt slight of hand against its own citizens wishes. Jim
I certainly hope so!! Christine
I certainly hope so ! Jon
Traitors !! joe
why is the media/journalists not investigating and giving air to the factual truth – been paid toooooo much ! sheryl
We can only hope it does! FloJo
Not sufficiently to make a change. Too many New Zealanders still believe the narrative espoused by this corrupt Govt. In my opinion most who think 3Waters will harm Labours chances are committed opposition already. I have made stringent submissions opposing 3waters. The Govt does not listen or respond. They are however responsive to polls, so I live in hope Tony
It will see them loose govt John
People as a whole do not want co-governance of any sort. It has to be stopped! Brenda
mahutis will cost labour dearly Anon
I wish I could say ‘yes’ but I feel there are so many people either unaware or uninterested in what is happening that they will vote for this lot regardless. Dianne
I certainly hope it will! Philip
85% should be against it. Peter
And so it should. Ronmac
Only have to look who’s in charge just a family affair.10yrs time they will be multimillionaires Ian
I would certainly hope so. We also want to see all the opposition stand up and speak out for all Kiwis. william
Nobody voted to have their stuff stolen by a bunch of pirates Graeme
Too many lies and handing power over to Maori Laurie
I certainly hope so!!! Ian
No public consultation and spin favouring less than 1% of New Zealanders. Reform is needed, especially local government, but not this way Raymond
It’s the very definition of apartheid Sam
I certainly hope so, unfortunately the opposition isn’t a lot better. Bill
I certainly hope so! And $18,000 per Iwi is another 1st class rort. Robbie
PONZI scheme, kick the bustards out alan
provided the public and voters are made aware of this analysis by NZCPR, which contains links to revealing official documentation. Gary
Thank goodness, they will go. Alison
As far as I and, I am certain, a majority of other New Zealand citizens are concerned, the Labour Party and its current bunch of so-called “Maori” extremists are damned forever by their actions since this government was elected. They and our beloved toothy leader are welcome to book their tickets ASAP for Russia or China, and I hope they make it a permanent destination. ROB
will be wonderful to get rid of the lying scheming pricks david
It should !!! June
Unless the majority of Kiwi’s are totally blind to what is going on behind closed doors in this regard then they only have themselves to blame. Don’t be fooled by some of the petty news items raised and sanctioned by the Government that aim to divert our attention away from what these self serving individuals plan. lets hope it backfires 100%. Barry
Three Waters embodies all that I hate about Labour and the iwi separatists: lies, nepotism, racism and theft. If they get away with this, stand by for an even greater asset grab. May Labour never rule again after they are routed in next year’s election. Chris
This government is doing all it can to destroy the Labour Party and to become a nonentity after the next election, or maybe it might just decide to go the whole hog and do away with elections and govern forever. Frank
It bloody better! Jim
If passed into law Labour will be voted out Rhys
Confiscating councils assets for co-governance jon
Absolutely. If Labour wins the next election it will only be because there is some skulduggery going on. Rosemary
I fervently hope so – a swindle of this magnitude cannot be allowed to happen! It is akin to a ram-raid, but on a far larger scale! Our whole Electoral system needs a massive overhaul to prevent this sort of corrupt, blatant thievery, by so-called Public servants, from ever happening again! Scott
co-governance carolyn
Water is a natural resource that is available to every single person on earth. No one person or organisation has the legal right to this resource. NO ONE. Especially Maori. Graham
NO – but i do hope it will help them lose the election…..please please… warwick
Get rid of these pricks Allan
Note the bitterness that was shown in Carterton yesterday. June
I really do hope that this lunacy will scupper the Labour party for decades!! Henry
The deceit, the lies the mandates taking away our freedoms, absolutely no chance of re-election. The people have opened their eyes. Linda
I hope so!! Caren
I hope so. This government is profligate, duplicitous and incompetent. In short – no hopers. Mick
Nepotism and devisive bent filth with Three Waters The skids are under you Labour. Alan
Water is vital to our life and it needs to be controlled by people we can vote in or out Gerhard
Hope so Trevor
That and all the other tyrannical socialist lunacy. It beggers the imagination that Labour still have any support at all. MSM propaganda still has some people believing govt BS. Richard
Absolutely it will.. just a further reflection of their arrogance and the lies that they have told to the people of New Zealand. Hopefully after 2023 Labour will be confined to the political wilderness fir many years to come Rob
It certainly should, but do we have enough sensible people to vote this communist government out. One can only hope. Tom
Amongst all the other lies being spread by the greedy fourth estate who have been bought by Adern using taxpayer money. This is why the names of all recipients of Aderns bribes must be published regularly to inform the public of those who lack credibility. If a fire is being fed by a dripping petrol tank you must turn off the source to resolve the problem.. Rex
With any luck the impact will last until at least 2040! John
I certainly hope it does. It is but one of many instances where Govt has taken liberties only possible from its sole majority, that are really tantamount to fraud, or dare I say it, Treason! Introducing plans and policies they did not campaign on, nor make public until they had the numbers to do so. While transparency was one of Ardern’s Key promises, it has been anything but. She’s got to go! Steve
I certainly hope so!! Alan
Definitely Ann
answered Yes, BUT, Jackson in charge of broadcasting has just contaminated the field, the propaganda game has been accelerated to extreme. Please fellow KIWIS think very carefully about who you vote for next year, the fate of democracy and social cohesiveness in New Zealand depends on it. One person, one vote, equality regardless of race. Any other arrangement is not democracy. Sam
I bloody hope so. Where is our media scrutiny of this?? John
The next election can’t come soon enough. Labour will be history. Everything they touch they stuff up. John
I hope 3 waters sinks this government. We will see how their spin machine cranks up. Tim
And so it should. Big time. Henk
Labour has to go, they are a dangerous gvt Susie
I sincerely worry that Labour voters prefer dogma over logic Boris
No to race based control and theft our water assets Brian
Apartheid, nepotism, racial favouritism to a huge degree, a Ponzi scheme in the making, an MMP system where unfair Maori seats that were recommended to be abolished by a Royal Commission still cause imbalance, a government that lied to the People in the 2020 Election … what more could New Zealand’s vast majority need to throw these Marxist criminals out on their collective ear? Paul
I sincerely hope so! Lee
Ice, Liquid, Steam, it will hit them, drown them, scald them and deservedly so Owen
Yep. out they go at least 6 votes less .usually vote Labour (PLUS the in-laws) but we have all had a guts full of there lies especially that tricky Maori Stan
This will be not be democratically run and it will be taking water infrastructure assets away from the ratepayers who have contributed to them over many years. There is nothing fair about Three Waters! Marga
Three waters is a grab by maori to take what is not there’s. All water supply is from international resources owned by all. Next they will ant to claim rivers, lakes, dams, hydro and the like. I stand against this racist stance. Ken
Thinking Nzer’s will not tolerate erosion of their democratic rights and once a full understanding of what 3 waters legislation means by the public at large Labour will be punished at the next election. william
With strong reservations. I understand Labour will be bringing in the Dominion Voting machines, used in the lower South Island at our last election as a test run for the American elections where Trump lost to Biden. EVERY VOTE in 2023 must be scrutinised for validity or we WILL HAVE A LABOUR GOVT AGAIN! THIS WHOLE 3 Waters rotten theft of ratepayers assets MUST be stopped. Ardern has to go as do the Mahuta cunning family. But can we really trust Luxon? Listen very carefully to any statements he makes because I believe he is a very devious man, who has also had connections with Klaus Schwab of New World Fame. Carolyn
I hope the 3 waters decision plus a lot of other crazy ideas of theirs finish the labour party for good as they are a satellite party of the communists David
Well it will if we all send in our individual Protests David
Will we ever find out what is the hold that the maoris have over Jacinderella? They seem to have forced her to appoint a lot of incompetents, who ‘just happen’ to be maoris; to enact legislation that does nothing for those of European descent, and favours the maoris; and to disrupt the economy of the nation for political purposes, thinly disguised as a medical response to the latest disease from China. In sterner times she would have been indicted for treason. Why do we stand for it now? TOBY
If 3 waters is passed Labour will be flushed down the drain along with there water scheme john
I certainly hope so. Peter
I hope so Cherie
Most people have had a guts full of the way NEW ZEALAND is being run by this dictating communist run country Alan
If I have my way it certainly will. Ian
I sure hope so! Geoffrey
My vote will certainly not be Labour Warren
I certainly hope so! Angus
Only if ways can be found to get the truth to the electorate in this era of media corruption. Clive
Absolutely, Anyone who trust this Govt is mad. Derek
Most definitely. Elaine
But there are still too many sheepish people who cannot read the writing on the wall. Don
Certainly hope so. Faye
Labour are removing democracy from unsuspecting New Zealanders and replacing it with tribal rule based on false and manipulated interpretations of the Treaty. Lynne
The Ardern Labour Govt is not interested in representing the views of the majority NZ public in NZ. They are increasingly demonstrating a monocratic approach, including censoring and control of NZ media. Greg
It’s funny isn’t it? We have gone from a country of being” all in this together” and looking after each other, to a select few people who keep wanting more and more of the cake, to the detriment of the rest of us. More people seem to be speaking up now so that’s a good thing. Let’s hope these Labour people get banished forever. Janine
3waters needs to be dumped along with it’s supporters. Margaret
I hope it destroys them for the next five terms at least. john
bloody well hope so Ian
Three Waters is the biggest threat to democracy New Zealand has faced since world war two. The only way to get our nuts out of the fire is vote Labour out of office at next years election. Louise
Stealing is bad policy Phil
And if the Opposition play their cards right they can relegate Labour to the opposition benches for a generation. Brenton
But only if the public majority wake up to the prospect of what is proposed, and nullify the vote of the Maori Party. Graham
Absolutely John
I hope so, but I think alot of people don’t know what it is all about. Jane
Yes, but possibly not enough Peter
I certainly hope so as it is simply an exercise in theft and needs to be stopped. Ian
They deserve it ! Doug
We need to have a vote for Democracy. This lot are just enforcing their Ideology on New Zealand. One vote one person regardless of ethnicity. What wrongs that have been done in the passed should be put to the side. Time to move on put measures in place that these wrongs don’t happen again. Hard ask when you read about all the rubbish that is being carried out by Local and Central Politicians for their own gain. These guys are committing crimes that the average Kiwi would be sent to jail for. Three waters needs to be chucked out along with the He Pau Pau report. Names and address for those instigating them to the Police Frank
Not a doubt..the whole 3 Waters fiasco is the second biggest scam of this Century. Dominated by Nepotism, Racism and lies. Even Dictators like Hitler and Mugabe fell like trees..so will Maori syncopat Ardern. Robyn
Wake up New Zealand Alan
I darn well hope so! Fritz
Three waters is a solution looking for a problem. Mo
This HAS to STOP Gil
Yes but only if Luxon comes alive and the National Party pull finga and make it a real issue. They need to point out the apartheid power grabbing motives involved and entangled within it. If they don’t the vote for each electorate will be split in so many different directions even more of the looney left will find themselves in Parliament by default. The Maori Party will pull the strings … it will be impossible to get the genie back into the bottle. I think I have mentioned it before but I will say it yet again “The Country Is Stuffed”. Bruce
And may the votes continue to stack up against this labour govt !!! Maurice
I seriously hope kiwis will clearly see the devious intent & policy this disgusting lying Labour govt is actioning & kicks the bastards out at the next election. Imagine what this country will become if these Labour idiots get back into power ? Good grief…… mark
Delighted that it will for the more that can harm Labour the better Warren
Hope fully this will get rid of this totally racist government Gareth
I certainly hope so!! Isa
I certainly hope so. Tony
Ardern and Mahuta are evil, destructive individuals and they and their friends in government are pushing New Zealand to 3rd world status – and quickly John
The Three Waters bill seems to me to be another way to distract on the subtle way for this government to nationalize towards full control and dictatorship over New Zealand. Stuart
Shows unprecedented level of dishonesty in government. Anon
Labour has no chance of my vote for the rest of my life. Wendy
Thank goodness it will harm Labour. Anything that harms that party in the next election is a good thing for democracy. Michael
3 waters will bring down the present Govt and do a lot of long term damage to the Labour party David
It certainly should do – this asset and power grab is disgraceful race based legislation imposed on a captive population by a political party with an overall majority of seats in parliament. Regardless of whether or not it is passed into law, it will be remembered as a stain on the trustworthiness and integrity of this country for all time. Disgusting. Roy
but only if enough of the masses actually read what is going on with this MARXIST bunch of clowns that are in power LesW
Bloody hope so, and it should serve a warning to all future politicians. This Labour Government will most likely be the LAST Labour Government to ever be elected in New Zealand. Gary
Oh how we need to hope so clive
This govt is a fraud on the people. They have to go with extreme predjudice. Kevin
Labour are HISTORY at the next election. Three Waters is JUST one of MANY such like LAWS being forced through BY LABOUR.. WAHT them gone NOW never in NZ history has on PARTY done so much to make New Zealand a divided community/country. Carl
they are so thick that they cannot see this the communist barstards eric
YEs yes yes yes yes yes Les
It will depend greatly wether or not the sleeping public can be made aware of whats going on. Currently I think the controlled news media are not seeking to all together put it out there as to what the whole truth of the Three Waters real agender is. Also the co governance agenda fails to be fully divulged to the public. Remember we only have about twelve month before the next election. It will be a terrible situation if Labour manage to hang on and win the next election. Owen
Sooner the better before more destruction of our once great country New Zealand. Amazing how reverse racism doesn’t seem to be racism Alan
The corruption of the Mahuta regime has been laid bare. Allan
Absolutely – water belongs to no-one. No group has any prior rights culture or otherwise. The concept that iwi would have prior rights is totally abhorrent to most Kiwis. Trevor
here’s hoping David
Certainly !!! but it will be the best thing for the so called labour party, of cause it won’t be the only time that runs them out of Government. Get rid of them “TOTALLY”, the pm is a low life. Richard
The takeover of NEW ZEALAND by a small group of cannibal descendants can not be tolerated. Cannibal culture and cannibal language should not be forced on Kiwis. Bernie
Three waters is an act designed to cause strife between Maori and non Maori the dumb Government is taking orders from UN not we the people. Noel
Hopefully they will ignore the uproar that most communities around NZ are expressing and will suffer a resounding defeat at the next election. What concerns me is the amount of damage and squandering of funds that will take place in the interim. Kerry
If people clearly the real meaning of co-governance = a power shift with reduced rights for 83% mary
stupidity to take away control of water supply from Councils, Mahuta should go home to her hut amongst the trees. gerard
It damned well should otherwise we are blind, stupid or both. David
I seriously hope so. Paul
Lying deceitful racist thieves run by the queen of deception herself Laurine
I hope so Kerin
We can only pray and hope it does harm their chance of re-election in 2023. Warren
Plus all the other lies we have been fed john
Hopefully, though there are a lot of people with their heads buried in the sand, as in 2020. Giles
I,m totally disgusted in what is happening to N Z thru the actions of this Marxist Socialist rabble, they need to be held responsible for their treacherous and treasonable actions. John
Too many lies, propaganda campaign to start with Tim
I certainly hope it does. Can’t wait to see the back of Jacinda Ardern. Mark
This is a stalking horse for a Maori dictatorship. Terry
Only if enough of the public wake up!,, Raewyn
…and so it should. As a former chairman in a solidly Labour electorate and someone who honours the democratic socialist efforts of the first Labour government this one is disgusting me. Alan
It is a conflict of interest, undemocratic and against the principles of the Public Service Act 2020 NZ.. mark
Hopefully Wayne
Surely there must be a legal case this government must have to answer for their actions. Mick
Absolutely Failure/Refusal to present a business plan for such a huge project is gross incompetence Stan 
The people can tell when the wool is being pulled over their eyes Ray
They are communists Russell
It is already harming Labour’s polling and has created a significant point of difference for voters between Labour/Greens/Maori and National/ACT jd
Come on New Zealanders, let’s get rid of this corrupt socialist government that is dividing our country. Darryl
We can only hope! Neville
nothing about us without us. Misinformation used to justify change.Truth not being available. john
Labour must be voted out! Liz
It will only affect Labour if the New Zealand public are made aware of what is actually happening & sadly our Leftist media will not allow. We should assist Muriel Newman by having this article published in the NZ Herald & local papers over the next 3 months to get the message out. Warren
without a doubt but i think there days are numbered any way because everything they have touched has turned to shit,just look at housing,covid,health,education,just to name a few and the list goes on and on,they couldn’t arrange a row of shit cans to roll if they tried,the sooner they go and never come back the better.just a complete bunch of f—— idiots. And take the bloody maori party with them.The old saying two idiots make a wrong. COLIN
I hope so. Too many people have their heads in the sand and believe all the propaganda being forced down our throats anne
I really hope so… Surely New Zealanders won’t be so stupid as to let the Labour Party back in to continue turning us into a communist state. Robbie
I certainly hope so. This government have been voted in, in the pretext of being kind and to who? Florence
When the peoples assets and liberties are infringed by an elected government how can they ever be reelected? Tony
Its a disgrace divisive and anti democratic Ardern is turning nz into a marxist state alan
Treason definition The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence. The crime of betraying one’s own country. Sounds like Labour, Ardern and the Maori caucus to me. Gregory
I am hoping things dont go too far with all this Maori iwi rubbish being included in our Govt. As I have mentioned before is this legal as we did not vote for a Co Government?? Barbara
Hopefully the death of them Allan
If we even still have a democracy these lot will be tossed out on their collective “co” asses. IF. kenton
I certainly hope so and massively! Roger
This is another way of causing division. Labour will back down if the polls go against them. Chuck
Provided New Zealanders take their blinkers off and oust these Labour riff raff! Ron
This is my number 1 election issue. Any party that supports any part of this legislation, plan and simply put will not be supported by this voter! Jason
Deception is the hallmark of this Labour government. Told us a pack of lies, pushing through various agendas for their Maori caucus. Hopefully this results in a substantial defeat in the elections next year. Lawrie
The behaviour of this rouge government is bordering on treasonous. They have got to go and the sooner the better. Brian
Labour won’t get in anyway Mike 
Because most New Zealanders are ignorantly unaware of what is unfortunately taking place ROD
This despicable Government must go NOW. Surely we can’t wait until next year given the horrendous damage they have already done. Our once beautiful little country is being ruined seemingly beyond repair. Helen
For all the reasons given in your article on the lies and damned lies that 3 waters espouses. Terry
Hope so. pdm
Believing this government is not something i wish to do. No integrity, no debate, no more family of 5 million. Just closed locket passing of what ever suits their agenda. Totally unhealthy Rod
We can only hope it is the final nail in Aderns coffin Mike
Hope so gary
This is the most intellectually, politically and morally corrupt government This country has ever seen. Hugh
Scribble chin mahoota is corrupt and dishonest full stop. The changes are unecessary. mike
Sheeple will still vote Labour because they believe the govt is on their side and would never lie to them paul
I hope 3 waters plays a part of having a landslide against labour and ardern,robertson and the maoris wiped off the map and the whole treaty document re examined greg
But I don’t care as it will be a blessing upon the people of NZ Andrew
It is theft, pure and simple. I am not surprised by the active assistance most of the media gives the government as they agree with the government’s lies. Hugh
it already has. mike
Yes , but at the end of the day it remains to be seen. I have lost trust in the majority of our citizens regarding these issues. They believe more into what they are force fed by the MSM than making an effort to start thinking what the real consequences are if sinister schemes of that sort are put into practice. That is our real problem. Otherwise these corrupt characters would not even sit in parliament. Michael
No-one in their right mind could possibly vote for continuation of a government that has so deliberately misled, lied and allowed legislation that is clearly against the interests of the majority of the population. Bruce
I hope it harms them to such an extent, these parasites fall out of political existence. Charles
Certainly do hope so. Ross
No question it will end labour unless Ardern does a U turn John
I’d hope so but most kiwis are sheeple and still asleep and won’t wake up until the CCA has implemented its full Communist Agenda Greg
Thank fully yes, this should ensure the total dismissal of the worst Government in living memory from the halls of power in Wellington. Only maori and public servants, plus gangs and prisoners will continue to support tis miserable bunch of communist racists. Chris
Three waters, economic fiscal irresponsibility, reduction of emission nonsense, promoting non Christian ethics, attacking free speech, promoting tribalism. Jacquetta
Absolutely, it’s the most undemocratic move they’ve made yet Carolyn
another take over for central government. Marie 
I wish the election was this year so we can get her out now Carolyn
The only people who favour Three Waters are committed to Labour Maori or Greens anyway. I doubt a single wavering voter will vote Labour because of 3W Steve
Water, Apartheid, Carbon caused CC all wrong. Bring on the dynamite. Doug
Hopefully David
Persist with 3 Waters and I do not vote Labour Kevin
An outrageous racist scam. Trevor
Properly so. Arthur
And not just Three Waters, but ALL the corruption, lies and deception that have been thrust upon our Country from the time this Government stepped into office. Des
Will put them out Colin
It sure will paul
Not really sure but certainly hope it will as like many current policies it is divisive rather than unifying. Brian
Absolutely Margaret
This legislation will be an unmitigated disaster, and will only be the beginning. You can be assured IWI will be looking for ownership of the of the rain as it falls and runs into the lakes and rivers, clipping the ticket at every opportunity ie as it passes through hydro stations, draw off for irrigation will be targeted, as well as if not already, water supply to regions like Auckland. We are dreaming if we think 3 waters in its current form is all we can expect, this government is corrupt and deceitful. A pox on them all. At least Mallard has gone, at least that’s a start.  Robert
Oh! Definitely YES. Tony
Most people don’t think for themselves they just follow the MSM, and as Carl Marx said control the media and control the minds as Ardern is well aware. Brian
I sure as hell hope so. But we now have a problem with National, unless ACT can get a fair chunk of the vote, we are going to be left with Keys plan B, who will do what Keys says to do, just like he gave over 800.000 voters the two fingered salute over the anti- smacking legislation, plus the 28 million spent on the “flag”referendum, if he had spent that on FPP, we would not have had this crap in parliament we have now. Sam
Yes, but you can’t trust many in the media to actively oppose 3 waters. Inform ratepayers about the undemocratic, beyond scrutiny nature james
Let’s hope the general public realize what this hopeless government is actually up to and vote accordingly Peter
hopefully Ross
For years councils have carelessly lost their primary responsibility to ensure essential water supply and water waste disposal as they Focused on creating monuments to them selves allowed essential infrastructure to deteriorate tin favour of silly trendy pet projects to deteriorate projects Like cycle ways and grand design headquarters. Max
But what a price we have paid for this government. john
That and everything else Labour have failed to do Chris
3Waters is contrived to help bring about Maori tribal governance/ rule in NZ and for Maori to control NZs water resources and assets and use them as a source of Maori enrichment on a very large scale , at the expense of all other NZers. The need for 3Waters is also contrived for purpose and has been very seriously misrepresented accordingly. Councils do NOT want it. It is a giant rort. Hugh
I don’t know a single person who will be voting for them.. Donald
Definitely, and it should help to ensure they don’t get back in. Graeme
Definitely hope so and that labor will be kicked into the weeds where they belong. Still very concerned about the alternative though, national party, ie labor lite Flip
I have voted yes and it should. The problem is that we have a bought and totally government compliant msm lacking any journalistic integrity deliberately keeping the general public in the dark about this and many other destructive policies being implemented by this government! Alan
Hope so because I want the Socialists gone. Pete
Not only harm Labour, if it becomes a reality there could be a revolt of Ratepayers countrywide. Elizabeth
Yes, and emphatically so. This has been the classic political deception associated with arrogance. I reject.the partnership, co governance, and racially based intentions of the lot. Taumata Arowai and Te Mana o Te wai needs to be ejected down the drain into the swamp with the rest. Pete
Kiwis’ are blind ATM to this Labour tyranny Terry
we all hope that this will open the eyes of most voters ,and they will understand that labour has to go !!! Roy
With a bit of luck. Deborah
hopefully that will ensure they lose the election chris
I certainly hope so!! Tony
Hopefully it will see them out of power. Their racist approach to Govt. is a blatant disregard for democracy. John
I certainly hope so! Greg
It must affect Labour’s chances of re-election. If it doesn’t then as a country we really are stupid. Rod
Change of government is essential to the survival of civilisation in this country. All the wasteful racist policies of this abysmal government must be reversed. Patrick
I do hope so! sonia
Labour Lies – whats new? Collin
thankyou so much Muriel – the anger on the street is HUGE – thankyou for putting into words what we are too dumb to – we know something is terribly wrong but dont have the facts from our state owned media anna
Jez, I hope so! Rodney
Outrageous Graham
If they get in again on the back of this we are all doomed. Australia will benefit greatly Alex
I’d like to think the sheep keep will wake up and this government for what it is…a conniving, revolutionize, socialistic group planning a take over of our lovely country . Sadly most still the sun shines out them…time to pack up and leave Kristene
Stop communism Michael
Hope so. Derek
Deceitful, lying pack of bastards. neil
I certainly hope so Bernadette
I can’t see any other outcome… this is self-sabotage that even the most ardent Ardern/Labour supporter will acknowledge. My question is… WHY? Kevin
Three Waters is the definition of SCAM. Gary
They will get a caning in the next election for delivering to Maori tribal control of water. That will come about even with huge numbers of Whites giving NZ the bird and taking their skills offshore. Why do you think hospitals are struggling? along with fire fighters, engineers etc etc The same happened when Labour dismantled our fighter plane capability in the Air Force. Aussie & England snapped up all our pilots. Any specialist field will now have whites looking to take off overseas. and leave these b……s to stew in their own juices. Next thing you know they will be trying to hire on contract huge numbers of staff from Australia on big money to keep the country going. That can only last so long before local staff revolt or Australia puts in blockers to losing staff on contract work. The real trick is to keep these traitors from ever being elected again. Terry
I sure hope so! andy
Nepotism, distortion of facts, disinformation and misrepresentation mark this governments tenure. Absolutely nothing they have regulated has been thought through. The parallels to the CCP are tragically apparent. charles 
I surely trust so! Bryden
I hope it is going to harm Labour dearly. This whole rig-marole should NOT happen. peter
I truly hope the divisive 3 Waters never makes it to fruition. As with Maori Health. Total scams Mark
Hope so. Leonora
Absolutely it will result in Labour getting decisively kicked out at the next election – bring it on. They deserve to go! Penny
What a disaster Labour is. And now through this three waters debacle they are going to mess up water services as well. Everything they touch turns to crap. Can’t we get rid of them now? Roger
Turning over control of water to Maori is shocking. Will it be royalties next – and them holding the country to ransom? Labour is putting NZ into a very dangerous position. Anthony
Labour needs to go. NOW! Jeff
This whole three waters process has been a lie from the start. Mahuta should be sacked. Daniel