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Bob Edlin

The owners of the Huruhuru Authentic Leather shop removed their store’s Facebook page after being sent abusive messages, insults, and racist slurs but said they couldn’t afford to rename the store. The store had opened just a few weeks earlier...

One of the “key outcomes” of the new prison strategy was to humanise and heal inmates, the Minister of Corrections Kelvin Davis said. “An important part of that involves staff treating people with respect and dignity to uphold their mana.”

The Race Relations Commissioner demanded Andrew Hollis’s immediate resignation after posting on social media the Treaty is “a joke”. Point of Order sought clarification about the implications for the freedom of speech which should be cherished in a healthy democracy.

Just a few days before Waitangi Day the government announced it has earmarked several million more dollars for Maori projects. During Waitangi Day commemorations it may express its willingness to give iwi leaders a greater say in governance, too - but without providing critical details.

Several questions are raised by the development of a “charter” to set out the principles to guide “sound research” practice in New Zealand - including whether the Treaty of Waitangi should have a place in research, and why can’t research funders be relied on to set their own standards for the appropriate use of their money?