Dr John Robinson

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A Broken Nation - complete tribal disunity

We live in a divided, racist, apartheid state which has had its unity, democracy and sovereignty ripped away, with the final step under preparation – of two separate race-based parliaments passing different laws, with the dominant ‘indigenous’ authority following the ancient, Stone Age culture of tikanga that once brought nation-wide tribal warfare and cannibalism.

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Yes, we have apartheid

We must follow the path of 20th century fighters against racism, such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, by demanding equality. The aim must be now, as it was then, solidarity among all people, living in freedom without division by accident of birth.

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Our choice for the future: Equality or tribal rule

Never forget that this is our country, our future to decide. Politicians, and the political system do not serve us well. It will take a considerable effort to turn back from racism as the normal and accepted state of affairs. Getting rid of co-governance would be a good first step, but only a first step on the long road back to equality.

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Living under tribal rule

With equality there would be no Maori roll, no Maori seats in parliament, no Maori wards in local government, no Waitangi Tribunal, no Treaty settlements, no separate schools and hospitals, no co-governance, no Three Waters.  We could simply settle down and live together.

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Tikanga in law: what does it mean?

Tikanga is a religion.  We are presented with a set of beliefs that we are asked to accept and adhere to, without questioning, without rational understanding.  For myself, I refuse.