Category: Welfare Reform

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Five Policies to Improve Our Future

For nine years in opposition, Labour vilified wealth creators for political gain, only to find their tax revenue now depends on them! It's not easy for a Party that’s beholden to the anti-business trade union movement for funding and electoral support, and totally reliant on the extremist Greens to stay in Government, to revive business confidence.

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Homeless Child Welfare Wards

More than half of Winnipeg’s Indigenous homeless population are former State wards. Many were born with irreversible brain damage caused by alcohol in their mother’s womb at a crucial time, resulting in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Their irresponsible parents placed their own selfish drinking and drug taking ahead of their duties as parents.

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Swimming With the Tide of Political Opinion

Politics is a battle of ideology and influence. While social media has the virtuous intent of connecting people and communities, it has also become the frontline for a colossal struggle between propaganda and the truth.

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Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform

A critical shortage of workers in the kiwi fruit industry - while 118,755 New Zealanders are registered as unemployed - is symptomatic of a welfare system that is failing to ensure able-bodied beneficiaries transition into work.

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Paying the Pipers

According to the Dominion Post, April 25, " ...the Government is setting up a welfare overhaul 'expert advisory group' supported by a secretariat of officials from different departments." Labour has promised the Greens an overhaul. The ghost of Metiria Turei hovers.

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Child Poverty: Real or Rhetoric?

The Prime Minister says she intends making child poverty a priority for her administration. However, it’s not relative income measures that are needed, but policies to end intergenerational welfare dependency.

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Focus on the Parents

I want Jacinda Ardern to succeed fighting poverty, but I suspect that, like her predecessors, she will fail. Material poverty is the absence of material wealth, and if we are going to solve poverty, we must ensure that all New Zealanders have the ability to create material wealth.

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Deepening the Dependency Trap 

Under the guise of ‘compassion’, the agenda is all too easily captured by vested interest groups that are promoting welfare policies that will increase dependency on the state, rather than reducing it.

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California, Poverty Capital

California—not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia—has the highest poverty rate in the United States. The question arises as to why California has so many poor people...

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The Dangers of Dependency

Welfare reform requires great care. Of all policy areas, the unintended consequences of getting it wrong can be devastating, especially for children.