Category: Local Government

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Manipulating the Truth

Increasingly it feels there is nowhere to turn for the truth. All too often, mainstream media are seen as puppets on a string. ‘Influencers’ are being paid by central government to push its narrative. So-called ‘independent’ experts are given ‘favoured person’ status and showered with attention they wouldn’t otherwise enjoy. And social media giants - born out of the desire for free speech - are coming under increasing pressure to back government narratives.

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Animal Farm Democracy

Using a Local Council Bill, Labour is planning to replace the one-person, one-vote, all votes are equal principle upon which our Westminster representative democracy is based, with Animal Farm democracy, that elevates the influence of some voters above all others.

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Rotorua Gerrymander is a Blatant Power-Grab

The Labour Government has surrendered to a terrible temptation. The glittering prize of perpetual power has swept away their traditional respect for constitutional conventions, their political ethics, and even their commonsense.

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Governing by Deceit

Jacinda Ardern has no mandate to replace our colour-blind democracy with a tribal system of totalitarian rule that will deliver public power and wealth to an elite group of iwi business leaders to use for their own enrichment. This agenda needs to be exposed - and condemned by all Kiwis who still believe in democracy

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Nothing to Fear

The co-governance agenda Willie Jackson is promoting as ‘nothing to be scared of’, represents totalitarian control by unaccountable private race-based business development corporations. Labour has no mandate for these extremist measures - we should demand a halt.

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A New Dark Stage In Our Constitutional History

I will tell you what I think of most of these politicians and bureaucrats. As individuals, they may be nice enough; but collectively, they are lying, treacherous, arrogant, power-hungry, anti-democratic, environmentally heedless racist scum.

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A Cultural Con

The electorate’s love affair with Jacinda Ardern is over. In spite of pro-government media and intense propaganda, New Zealanders are recognising just how incompetent and dangerous her Government really is.

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A Tapestry of Lies

Without a doubt, Three Waters has become a major battleground between the Government, attempting to elevate iwi into a permanent ruling class, and Kiwis fighting to defend ratepayer rights, democracy, and our way of life.

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Three Waters Update - December 2021

Please be assured most of your mayors will push back on any aspect of the proposals that impact our democracy - and there are many. At the end of the day, can the mandates survive a change of government? NO

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We Don’t Love You Anymore Jacinda

You are trampling over the basic human rights of New Zealanders with socialist jack boots. This is not the New Zealand way. We feel betrayed us, and we have lost trust in your Government. That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why you should resign.