Category: Social Issues

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If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail

If I wanted New Zealand to fail... To suffer, not prosper; to despair, not dream. I would start with democracy itself. I would say it is not working. I’d say that a House of Representatives that represents all people, does not suit a modern society. I’d call it old-fashioned... 

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Labour is the Problem

Labour employs an army of public relations advisors and communications experts. So, it’s really no surprise to find that contrary to Labour’s record of abject failure in virtually every area of governance, a narrative of success and sound economic management is being run.

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The Politics of Division

What happened to Posie Parker was a disgrace. The inflammatory comments by Ministers of the Crown, the false reporting by the media, the Police failing to protect a vulnerable woman in extreme danger, verged on State-sanctioned activism.

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The War on Woke

Labour is the champion of woke. Under the watch of our new Prime Minister, New Zealand has been transformed into ‘woke’ society where anyone questioning any aspect of the Government’s social justice agenda is treated as an enemy and cancelled.

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New Zealand Turns Sinister

While Stuff may think it’s acceptable for their journalists to harass and bully members of the public, it certainly is not acceptable behaviour in the UK, where newspaper editors are expected to adhere to an ‘Editor’s Code of Practice’, which protects the public against aggressive and intimidating journalists.

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The Biggest Bully

The dictatorial way Jacinda Ardern has governed our nation, destroying lives and livelihoods, undermining our democracy and crushing those who stand in her way, is testimony to a ruthlessness that her “be kind” mantra attempts to disguise.

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Ruling Out Race-based Social Revolution

Regrettably, in today’s New Zealand there are people who, putting racism under new management and rejecting equality before the law, advance race-based co-governance as a serious proposition for New Zealand’s future. Now, public health, drinking water, sewage, storm water, local body governance, aspects of resource management and so on. Tomorrow, who knows?

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A Changing of the Guard

Both Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern have suffered a loss of public trust and confidence in their leadership. For the former British Prime Minister, it was largely the result of a series of missteps, while for our ideologically-driven Prime Minister, government incompetence is largely to blame.

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Covid Accountability

The Ardern Government’s response to the Covid pandemic has been unprecedented in the history of our country and the harm inflicted is of unparalleled proportions. It’s simply not good enough that those who have been negatively impacted are just ignored and forgotten. They are victims of Government action, and their concerns should be heard. 

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COVID-19 Boosters and Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand

Overseas health professionals have called for booster vaccinations to be discontinued for safety reasons. A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 booster rollout should be conducted: Given that over 2.5 million booster doses have been administered, this amounts to over 400 excess deaths.